Chapter 22

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I felt my phone drop from my hand, and I felt dizzy. I felt like I had been punched in the chest.

He can see me.. Right now. In my room with Luke.

"Baby, what is it?" I heard Luke'a frantic voice ask me, and then I felt myself being turned to face him.

I couldn't see him though. I only had one image in my vision, and that was the last time I saw Drew. I couldn't see my actual surroundings.

"Brooke.. Talk to me, baby." Luke begged, his voice getting more frantic every time he spoke.

He knows where I am, and this means he's closer to me. That means he has a better chance of hurting the boys..

"You're scaring me Brooke, what is it?"

I shook my head lightly, trying to get the image out of my head. The image of Drew looking at me in disgust, telling me that he'd come back for me someday. This is what he meant. This is it.

I felt Luke's hands leave my shoulders, and I almost collapsed on my bed. I laid on my back, and listened to Luke's voice, knowing it would calm me down.

"Who the hell is this?" Luke demanded, obviously talking into my phone.

I heard muffled talking on the other end, signaling to me that Drew had replied.

"Stay the fuck away from Brooke."

This is the side of Luke I don't like. He's scary when he's like this. I understand that he's only trying to protect me, but it still frightens me.

"I'll kill you, and that's a promise."

That's the last think I heard Luke say, before I felt myself being lifted into someone's arms and laid down on the bed.

I squeezed my eyes shut and listened to Luke's voice, feeling his soft hands run over my arms. He brushed my hair back and left feathery kissed along my skin. He tried to soothe me with saying things like "I'll protect you," or "He won't hurt you," but I knew the only way this will all go away is if he does get to me. Drew will get his way, and there's no way out of that.

"L-Luke.." I managed to stutter.

My voice sounded so vulnerable. I know that Luke and Skip are strong and could do some serious damage to most people, but not Drew. Drew is a messed up drug addict who will do whatever it takes to get what he wants. And right now, what he wants is me.

"Baby, I'm right here." Luke soothed me.

I opened my eyes and finally saw Luke. I was laying in his arms, my body curled up so I was in a ball on his lap. His arms were protectively around me and I was clinging onto his shirt, probably wrinkling it.

"He can see us.." I whispered, hiding my face in Luke's neck, wishing everything would go away.

"He isn't going to get us, though. I promise."

I nodded against his body and I felt him press his lips to my forehead. I slowly sat up and straightened my dress out, standing up from the bed.

I stood up too fast, though. I almost fell back on the ground, but Luke's arms caught me, pulling me into him. I leaned back into him as he held me safely in his arms, rubbing my sides.

"Come on, everyone's here." Luke said, motioning towards the window. I looked outside the window to see car's lined up in front of my house.

"What do we tell Skip?" I asked, slowly turning to look at him.

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