Chapter 13

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I ran up the stairs to the hotel room that Luke texted.

I had to get to Brooke as fast as possible. I just needed to protect her.

I know that Luke was capable of protecting her, don't get me wrong. I just don't trust any boys around her other than me. It doesn't feel right. She's my sister. It's my job to protect her.

I ran down the hall, glancing at the numbers on the doors.

I finally reached Brooke's room, and I banged on the door.


Nothing is going to be okay.

Everything is so fucked up right now. It's all my fault.

I'm putting both Skip and Luke in danger.


I jumped up at the loud knocking on the door and ran over to grab Luke's arm.

I wasn't trying to seem needy at all, I was just scared shitless. I didn't want Luke to get hurt over me.

It's Drew. Who else could it be?

"Shh.. Baby, it's okay. It isn't him." Luke said the last part with so much disgust in his voice.

He quickly kissed me on the forehead before walking over to the door.

He looked through the peephole, and then speedily unlocked the door.

It wasn't Drew.

It was Skip.

I immediately ran to the door, throwing myself in my big brothers arms.

At the moment, I could've cared less if I was supposed to be mad at him. I needed him. He was my rock.

"Brooke," he sighed, holding me close to him.

"Skip, I'm scared." I sobbed into his shirt.

"I won't let him touch you. And neither will Luke." Skip said, kissing my forehead.

I felt myself being picked up and carried around. I still had my head in Skip's chest, so I knew I was safe.

I felt myself being laid down on the bed, and then I felt covers being pulled over me.

I didn't bother opening my eyes anymore, I just let the exhaustion take over.


Skip and I were sitting in the kitchen, me on the counter and Skip looking at me as if he was thinking what to do with me.

"Skip, I really do love her." I said, meeting his gaze.

He sighed heavily and ran a hand through his hair.

"That's the problem.." He sighed, his shoulders slumping in defeat.

He didn't want to fight.

"Why is it a problem?" I questioned.

He looked up at me, then through the doorway to where Brooke was sleeping.

"I can't bare to see her get hurt again, Luke. It's the hardest thing on me. It's my job to protect her, our dad told me to look out for her." He said, looking up at me.

"Skip, you have to understand that she means everything to me now. The thought of hurting her makes me sick. The thought of what Drew did to her makes me sick. I want nothing more than to hurt him. I'll keep her safe." I said.

And it was all true. Every single word I had just said was true. Brooke means the world to me. She's my beautiful, broken angel.

"Luke.. I know you say that now.. But you'll change your mind. Just like Drew did." He said, looking disgusted to say the name.

I would never, ever leave her. I can assure him that.

"Why can't you believe me? Skip, you know me. Have I ever felt the need to protect a girl with my life? Have I ever cared enough about a girl to know she's broken, and fix her? Have I ever even looked at a girl like I look at Brooke?" I asked, hopping off the counter and standing in front of him.

Skip took a deep breath, thinking of what I said.

He opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by a scream.

Brooke's scream.


I ran into the bedroom and towards the bed.

Brooke was sobbing, gripping onto the pillows for dear life. Her body was shaking terribly, but her eyes were still closed.

I ran over to her trembling figure and picked her up, placing her on my lap.

There's nothing more I hate than seeing her in pain. Whether it's a nightmare or physical pain.

She grabbed onto my shirt, balling it up in her fists.

My poor baby. She shouldn't have to go through this. And it's all his fault. Drew. The fucking bastard. I'll gladly kill him.

Brooke finally stopped sobbing, but was still shaking in my hold.

"Shhh.. Baby, it's okay. I'm here. I'm right here." I mumbled, kissing her forehead.

I gently rubbed her back, feeling her shaking slowly stop.

The grip she had on my shirt loosened, but she still didn't let go.

I wrapped my arms around her protectively, just wanting to take away all the pain she's ever felt.

I heard her breathing go back to normal, and soon, she was back in a peaceful sleep.

I pulled the doona up over us both. I didn't want to get up and risk waking my sleeping beauty up.

"You get one chance, Luke. Don't fuck with my sister's feelings. Because I will find out." I heard Skip say.

I looked up to see him examining how I held his sister.

"I won't hurt her, Skip." I said sincerely.

I looked back down at my beautiful girl to see her head pressed in my neck, her lips lightly pressing against the skin where the collarbone meets the neck.

I heard Skip mumble something about getting a hotel room, then the door shut.

I kissed Brooke's forehead once more before falling into a deep sleep myself, holding the beautiful angel in my arms.


There's chapter 13!

Sorry it's kinda late, and short.

I just needed a filler chapter so I could make Skip and Luke make up.

But I'll try to update sooner the best I can.


And PLEASE read my Harry Styles fan fic! I have so much planned for it and I honestly think it's better than this one!

But please stick with me, no matter how slow my updates get! ;)

Thanks for reading, love you guys :-)

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