Chapter 5

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Luke finally got back after what seemed like forever. Now, we could finally get to filming.

"It's about damn time.." I said once he reached us.

"Sorry! It's not the quickest walk from your house." Luke said, throwing his hands up in defense.

"Whatever, how is Brooke feeling? Does she need anything?" I asked him, automatically slipping into protective older brother mode.

I know, I'm REALLY protective over Brooke. But after what happened to her and all that she's going through, of course I'm going to be protective of her. She's my little sister.

"She said she'll be fine, calm down." Luke said, putting a hand on my shoulder.

I shrugged it off and turned to James.

"You got the camera?" I asked him.

He nodded and took it out of the backpack he had on.

"Cool, let's start then!" Beau said, looking excited.

I was pretty excited to do this video too.


All I could think about throughout filming was Brooke.

I know how much it affected her, what those girls said to her.

The one time we have some alone time and people come by and ruin it..

I just hope she isn't home doing something to hurt herself...

I know how broken she is, and it kills me to know she causes herself pain because of it..


I made one last cut in my thigh and sunk down against my shower door.

I'm so fucking weak.

I sat there crying and watched as the blood trickled down my legs.

Luke and Skip would be so disappointed in me..

I made sure I cut on my legs, so they wouldn't see if it was on my arms.

I started right after Luke left, I know he asked me not too, but I had to.

Those girls were right.

I am ugly.. And fat.

Just look at me.. I make myself want to puke.

My leg stopped bleeding soon so I got in the shower to wash off the dry blood and hey, might as well freshen up for Luke's tonight.

I really hope this plan works.

I really want to spend some alone time with him.

I finished in the shower and got out, wrapping a towel around myself.

I heard the front door open downstairs and soon, familiar voices filled the house.

"Fuck man, that was so much fun!" I heard Beau cheer.

"Yeah. I'm gonna go check on Brooke, I'll be right back." I heard Skip's voice, followed by footsteps on the stairs.

I quickly ran to my room and threw on a big t shirt that I noticed was Luke's and some leggings.

I'm sure he wouldn't care it was Luke's. He does think we're like brother and sister after all..

I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." I said, brushing my wet hair.

The door opened and Skip popped his head in.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" he asked, letting himself in.

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