Chapter 19

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I sat in the waiting room with Skip and his mom, waiting.

Waiting for anything, really. A word from the doctors, Brooke to wake up, someone to tell us she'll be okay.. But nothing. Doctor's have been slowly in and out of her room all day. They won't let us in, but we can tell something's gone wrong or something is very right. I'm hoping for the latter.

"I'm going to go outside, get some fresh air." I mumbled, standing up from the uncomfortable hospital chair. I couldn't stay in there much longer, the environment just wasn't helping my mood at all. I just wanted to see her and hold her, and tell her she's okay..

I walked through the doors, gladly feeling the Sydney sun on my skin.

I walked a little away from the hospital, across the street to a little park. I sat on a bench and pulled out my phone.

I went to my favorite picture I had of Brooke, out of the many.

I smiled at the memory. It wasn't even that long ago. It just holds a special place in my heart.


We were both laying in bed, Brooke's bare back to my bare chest. It felt so right to be this close to her.

She turned her body to look at me, a small smile tugging on her full lips.

I noticed she hadn't pulled the sheets over her body to cover herself.

I gently reached up and cupped her cheek in my hand, rubbing it softly with my thumb.

"You didn't try to cover yourself." I mumbled, a smile playing on my lips.

She blushed and looked down, "I just realized that I shouldn't have to worry about that with you. You actually love me, and you actually make me feel beautiful."

I smiled widely at the beautiful girl in front of me. She was all mine, and I got to make her feel beautiful.

I softly grabbed hold of her face in my hands and looked into her beautiful blue eyes, "I'll always love you. And I'll always be here to let you know just how beautiful you are. No matter how many scars cover your arms or legs or stomach, you're still beautiful to me."

And that was the truth. She was absolutely stunning, no matter how many scars covered her body.

She smiled and looked down, a bright blush coming to her cheeks.

"Luke.." She mumbled, obviously starting to doubt herself like she normally did.

"Brooke, look at me." I said softly.

She looked up at me and before she could say anything, I pulled her up so she was laying halfway on my body, her head on my chest.

She starting laughing at that, and the sound was simply music to my ears. I could never get tired of her beautiful laugh.

I quickly grabbed my phone off the bedside table and opened my camera. She looked at me and smiled a big silly smile at the camera, and I snapped a picture of the most beautiful girl in the world.


I felt a tear slide down my cheek. That memory..

I want to be able to make her feel beautiful again. She has to be okay. I want to be able to hold her in my arms again and tell her everything will be okay..

I felt my phone vibrate in my hand, and I looked down to see Jai calling.

That was a big wake up call..

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