Chapter 4

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No. No. No.

Fuck no.

I quickly ran over to her and grabbed a towel, pressing it to her arm, trying to stop the bleeding.

I didn't say anything to her. I couldn't right now. I just had to clean her up first. I just wanted the pain to stop.

I looked in her cabinets and grabbed a roll of gauze and wrapped it around her arm once I cleaned up her cuts.

She wouldn't look at me, she had a look of pain written all over her face.

She looked down at her arm in disgust when I was done patching it up.

"Come here.." I said, taking her in my arms.

I picked her up bridal style and carried her into her room, to her bed.

I laid her down and I laid down beside her, taking her in my arms again.

I pulled her close to me. I wanted her to feel loved.

"I'm sorry I made a mess.." she mumbled in my chest.


Made a mess?

That's what she's worried about?

It honestly breaks my heart to know she feels so lowly of herself to even say that.

"Brooke, the mess is NOTHING. You're all I care about right now.. Nothing else." I said, kissing her forehead.

She cried into my chest as I rubbed her back softly.

"Shhh.. It's okay beautiful.." I soothed her.

She looked up at me with tears in her eyes.

"How can you even say that about me when I've done this? I'm a fucking waste of space.." she said, holding her bandaged arm up.

"You aren't a waste of space. Not at all. You don't know how many people care about you.." I said, rubbing her back.

She didn't believe a word I was saying. You could tell.

"I care about you, Skip cares, Beau, James, Jai, Tyla, my mom, your mom, Abby, and so many more people.." I said, confirming my statement.

She rolled her eyes and looked down.

Gosh she's stubborn, but I understand why.

She's had to go through so much. So many people have hurt her in the past, and I have to make sure I don't.

I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I hurt her.

She meant way too much to me.

"Brooke, I really do love you. I can't stand the thought of you hurting yourself.." I mumbled, pressing my lips to her forehead.

She looked up at me and pressed her lips softly against mine.

You could feel the love in the kisses we shared.

I guess I've always loved her, even when we were little.

I used to always say she was "icky" but deep down I knew she was the one.

I know it sounds dumb as fuck, but hey, it's true.

We were destined to be together.

She pulled away and looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"Oh Brooke.." I mumbled, moving so she was on my lap.

Suddenly, my phone rang.

It was Skip.

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