Chapter 3

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We were in the car on our way to the mall. Apparently we were filming Dare or Dare there today.

Brooke was on Skip's lap while we were all crammed in the back seat.

Beau should really save some money to get a bigger car.

We finally got to the mall and all got out, Brooke and I walked behind everyone else so we could talk.

"Hey beautiful." I whispered in her ear once I got to her.

She blushed and looked down.

"I'm not-" she started, but I cut her off.

"Don't even fucking say it." I said, quickly pecking her on the lips.

"Luke! They'll see!" she whisper-yelled, slapping my arm.

"Alright sorry!" I defended myself.

We walked together til we got in the mall.

"Do you guys wanna look around some before we shoot?" I asked, hoping to get some alone time with Brooke.

"Yeah, I do." James said, looking off to the shoe store closest to us.

"Alright, we'll meet back here in like two hours." Beau said, checking the time on his phone.

Jai, Beau and James all went off together and left the rest of us standing there.

"Cool. Brooke, come with me to this-" Skip started, but Brooke cut him off.

"Um, I was actually going to go to Victoria's Secret.." she mumbled, glancing up at me and telling me to go along with it.

"I'll go with her Skip, I was going that way anyways." I said.

Skip looked at me oddly.

"Not sure I feel too great about you going to Victoria's Secret with my sister." Skip said flatly.

"I'll stay outside the store, don't worry." I said.

Skip thought about it for a minute.

"Fine. Keep an eye on her Luke. If anything happens to her I swear I'll-" he started, but Brooke cut him off.

"Alright let's go!" she said, pulling my arm and walking away from Skip.

"We got lucky..." I said, rounding the corner and grabbing Brooke's hand.

She interlocked our fingers relaxed more.

"So where to now?" she asked me.

I got an idea.

"Let's ditch this place, we could be spotted by fans or something." I said, grabbing her hand and running towards the nearest exit.


We walked through the city hand i hand until we came to a stop in front of a small café.

"Let's get some hot chocolate, it's cold." Luke suggested.

I nodded, snuggling into his side more and walked in.

The smell of coffee and freshly baked pastries filled the air. It smelled amazing.

We walked over to the counter and ordered some drinks.

The guy kept staring and winking at me and I could tell Luke was getting annoyed with him.

Pervert. Why do guys just assume they can get in any girls pants they want? Ugh. I'll never understand that.

"Can we have two hot chocolates?" Luke angrily asked him.

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