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There are two subtypes of Anorexia, and both are very serious mental illnesses that require treatment.

Restricting Subtype

People with this subtype place severe restrictions on the amount and type of food they consume. This can manifest in different ways including some or all of the following:

Restricting certain food groups (e.g. Carbohydrates, Fats)Counting Calories Skipping MealsObsessive Rules and Rigid Thinking (e.g. only eating food that is one colour)These Restrictive Behaviours around food can e accompanied by excessive exercise.

Binge Eating/Purging Subtype

People with this subtype also place severe restriction on the amount and type of food they consume. In addition to this the person will display purging behaviour and may also engage in binge eating. Binge eating involves eating a large amount of food and feeling a 'loss of control'. Purging behaviour involves self induced vomiting, or deliberately misusing laxatives, diuretics or enemas to compensate for eating food.

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