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Ignore mistakes:(

Third Person POV:

Pete was not feeling well these days he is not sure when he searched for the symptoms online it only says that he is pregnant but don't want to jump into conclusions...

When Ae left to office Pete called Wayo...

"Hey Wayo I need a favour!"

"Hey sound dull is anything wrong yeah it is meet me at ***** hospital I'll start now"

"What?! But why ok ok let's talk there I'll come!!"

_______at hospital_______

Wayo and Pete went in to the hospital they already got an appointment....

Dr.Phana met him in the hallway...

Wayo jump in Phana's embrace "you look sexy in this doctor apron babe" Wayo whisper...

"Aow what an eye sore Wayo get down it's a hospital people are watching" Pete scoff them and pull Wayo down even though he loves this couple but at least in public they need to behave how he wish Ae was with him today...

"Pete give me five minutes then we can proceed with the tests" Pete shake his hand...

"Oh Phi that's fine take your time we will wait"

"Good then, I'll call you in a while" Phana went into his cabin after kissing Wayo's forehead once he left Wayo turn towards Pete which startled him...

"Ahh!! Bitch you scared me" Pete scoff him...

"Would you mind telling what is going on or will I be the last person to know on earth?!" Wayo though he is shorter in height he rise on his toes to Pete's level to glare in his eyes Pete pinch those fluffy cheeks and Wayo pout at that...

"Stop it will you fine I'll tell, I think I'm pregnant but I just don't want to jump to conclusions so I asked P'Phana do checkup" Pete said and closed his mouth he surely knows about his best friend...

Pete was right he screamed in his hand "what the heck and you are telling me now yuhuuuuu I'm gonna be a uncle soon I'm soooooo happy Pete"

"Yeah yeah shhhhh keep it down Wayo it's a hospital but don't jump to conclusions just yet wait until reports come" Pete though wants it at the same time he don't want it too...

"Ahh I know Pete it's gonna be positive I'm really happy for you baby it's time to celebrate let's go to coffee shop it's my treat" Wayo offer and Pete nod to it...

Pete is really happy at least there is someone who shares his happiness soon P'Phana called them Wayo went into with them....

"Phi why the gel?!"

"Will it hurt?!"

"Ew what's the thing on the monitor"

"Aow Phi don't accuse my friend for overeating I know he is a vacuum machine when it comes to food but only I'm allowed to say that"

"STOP IT" both Phana and Pete shout at Wayo who became a cute cat at the yelling and pout...

"Aow Phi how do you even put up with this chatter box" Pete said irritated...

Phana chuckle "you want me to teach medicine?! Wayo stop pouting babe go and wait outside I'll take good care of your friend na~ I'll give lots of kisses when we go home"

Wayo beam at the end of the sentence and leave them alone Pete just can't believe what he saw with him Wayo behaves as if he can survive alone on earth very brave but with Phana become a puppy Pete wants to puke at his friend's behaviour...

"When are you both getting married Phi?!" Pete ask Phana who is reading the reports..

"Very soon Pete I'm getting impatient to start a life but you know doctor's life is unpredictable so I'm waiting for the right time" Pete smile but inside he is beating himself once Phana give out the result whatever it maybe he has to face it...

"Pete congratulations you are 2 months pregnant"

Pete want to cry now he can't be pregnant what if Ae finds out how is he gonna react though he is happy but Ae...

Phana suggested some medicines and diet "um Pete I know in pregnancy people get intimate but I suggest you not to do in your case it's complicated I can see through tests your sex life must have been active but it's very wild your internal tissues ruptured a little it's nothing to worry but just be careful don't go overboard so it would be better if you take a break for a while at least until it gets healed.... And did you ever bleed after having sex?!" Pete wants to hide in a hole now whatever Phana said is true...

"Um...yes phi just once or twice I don't remember exactly why did anything happen to baby?!" Pete is cussing himself for letting Ae play with his body...

"Nothing to worry you might have to go through a C-section it's just the second month we can't decide though let's hope for the best as the baby keeps growing it will rotate in the womb so we can't jump to conclusions..."

"Ok Phi I understand thank you I'll take a leave now" Pete was about to leave the cabin...

"Tell Wayo that can't meet him now if he see me he keeps whining I'll meet him at home" Pete chuckle and nod...

Wayo did sulk when Pete informed him about Phana and soon beamed happily when Pete confirm he is pregnant they both went to coffee shop...

"Now would you mind to tell me what happened"

"What do you mean?!" Pete avoid Wayo's death glare...

"I know Pete there is something going on in your I can make out from your eyes don't try to fool me like you do to others" Wayo's reply bring tears in Pete's eyes...

"I don't know how Ae's gonna react to this pregnancy I don't know if want this or not I'm scared Wayo" Pete burst into tears...

"Oh that's fine don't worry don't stress yourself it's not good for baby I'm sure Ae will be happy did you try bringing this topic?!" Pete shake his head unable to answer in tears he is sobbing....

"Ok ok stop crying now everything's going to be fine I'm sure Ae will accept this baby"

"Will he?!"

"Yes he will now stop crying let's go to shopping hm?!" Though Wayo isn't sure but he just want his friend to stop crying...

To be continued.....

Hope you all like it.....

Hey I'm not a science student so I don't know about those things just don't mind my rubbish 😅

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