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Third Person POV:

Pete had enough he can't let Ae toy him anymore there is a limit to everything Pete has reached his limit too though he loves his husband but the abuse he is ready to take as along as he won't hurt his baby....

Pete is ok with Ae doing anything to him but not the baby he can't take the risk anymore the one whom he loved is not a human he never treated him as one too just using him to satisfy is needs and nothing more than that Pete is scared now Ae might hurt his baby he can't take a chance and he never will...

Pete muster up the courage and gather himself from the dismal he thought he can do this he thought he can fight this he thought he can protect this marriage he thought Ae might change if the baby comes but no nothing happened none of it Ae didn't change rather he became an animal hard to control....

He is not the one he fell in love with the one Pete loves is different the one whom he met in childhood the one whom he met in gatherings the one who was his teenage crush the first love but this Ae is nowhere near to him he is different he is a beast who don't have control over him the one who treats him like a pile of dust....

When Ae returned to his in-laws place there is no Pete...

He is gone....

"Where is Pete?!" Ae ask anxiously to his in-laws

"He is gone and not gonna come back" Aim answered...

"But where?! Why won't he come back I don't know he told to hand these papers to you" Aim gave few papers which got Pete's sign on it....

Divorce papers.....

Ae understood what is happening and he is not brave enough to ask any more questions of why, what, where it's too late now he lost his chance...

Ae went back to his home for the first few days it was ok but... Things Started to change he forgot he is no more with him he forgot his Pete handed over divorce papers he forgot Pete is gone he casually ask Pete to bring coffee but there is no presence of human in the house apart from him alone....

He hates to admit the fact the impact of other person on him the way he took control over his mind the way he keeps lingering in his thoughts he hates the fact that he started to look for Pete..... he started missing his Pete his smell his smile his presence can't be seen he is gone forever....

it is one of the most painful thing in life to miss someone…
Everytime you miss someone,there is a silent ache in your heart which is definitely unbearable…
And the saddest part of missing comes when you know the person is somewhere on this earth but still you can not meet him you can not look into His eyes and explain how badly you want him at that point of time…the thirst of meeting in Person will never be vanished...

Recalling something about the person,you happen to laugh and in no time ,sometimes even as you laugh, you taste your own tears..
The more you want to avoid the thoughts of that person at that time the more thoughts pop up in your mind .. sometimes you want to cry out loud and sometimes you will feel like sitting quite and just recall those moments when you spend some beautiful moments with him but for Ae there is nothing beautiful just the hate just the pain....

Nothing will excite Ae not even his favourite things those hookups those clubs those alcohol which make him high which increases the adrenaline rush but nothing there is nothing .. he will search for and consume everything that can erase the thoughts of him....

And life will appear worse than anything..Everything that brought a smile to his face will now torture him every little thing will make him scare , insecure... Ae will do everything to calm your frustration but nothing will help him…

The pain in his heart is unexplainable he wants to be with his Pete he realised his mistake that grave sin what he did how he didn't leave any chance to bring pain to him and Pete had enough and he left him forever he is lost he had no life the thoughts of Pete is eating him....

Right now he is drinking alcohol he locked himself from him the world it's been 6 months Pete has gone but no whereabouts of him

"Come back I'm sorry I'm sorry just come back PEEEEETE" Ae yell out of his lungs and finally lost conscious

To be continued......

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Bye for now 🥰😍😆😜🤩😉😣😉😊😚😝😁😘😘👋👋👋👋

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