Sirius (2)

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Part two

Meeting Sirius

  The closed compartment door slid wide open. A young girl with green eyes and red hair walked in. "Oh!" She jumped back a bit. "I'm sorry- are you finished dressing? Do you mind if I borrow your compartment? I was sharing one with my friend, but he's a boy and I had to leave and wait. He's just taking forever is all. Mind if I borrow this one?" She asked. Her voice was very soft and kind. She seemed like a genuine kind of person.

  "I don't mind! I'll just step outside." You said, scooting past her out of the small compartment. She only took a few moments and then slid the door back open but didn't leave.

  "Thanks!" She smiled, you went back in. "My name is Lily. Lily Evans." She held out her small hand, you took her pale, freckled one in yours and shook.

  "I'm __ ___." You smiled.

"Pleasure! Do you mind if I chat with you for a bit? I don't have any girl friends." She made herself comfortable without further invitation. "Are you from a family of magic?" She asked, she was still smiling at you.

"Yes, my mother's side." You said, but spared her the details. "And you?"

  "No, I'm the only one. Even my older sister, Petunia, isn't a witch. It was very odd when I found out." She looked out the window at the green valleys. "I'm very excited." She added after a moment.

  You nodded in response and followed her gaze. The train seemed to be slowing down. A faint voice was calling for Lily. "Oh, that's my friend. He must be done changing. You're welcome to join us." She invited you, standing up. "I'll help you bring your load." She grabbed your luggage before you could even agree.

  "Okay." You smiled. You grabbed Poppy's cage. Poppy's bright red eyes turned up to you lovingly.


  You were sorted into your houses. You had stood by Lily and her friend during the Sorting. Her friend's name was Severus Snape, you had met him on the train when you went to sit with them. He was quiet but he was kind to you. He welcomed you in and talked a little to you about your upbringing, your house preference (which you didn't know the answer to, as you weren't taught anything about Hogwarts), and about Poppy.

  "Evans, Lily!" The Sorting Hat called. The Sorting Hat looked like an old, matted, leather scrap that was trash. However it seemed alive. The hat sat on Lily's head for just a moment and then shouted... "GRYFFINDOR!" Cheers erupted in the Great Hall. You suddenly felt a nervous twinge in your stomach.

  More students came and went and were sorted, until finally... "____, ___!" This is it, this is your turn. You didn't know the difference between the houses even though the odd hat just sang about them, you were too nervous to think of anything but, 'don't trip, don't trip!' as you walked up to the hat. You sat on the stool, and felt it embrace the top of your head. It felt odd as it moved around on your head, messing up your hair.

  'Ah, what a mind you have here! Yes. I remember your family, your grandmother. She was an excellent Slytherin! The determination that flowed in her veins, the only Muggle-born witch in Slytherin, ever! She was meant to go down in history... shame. I remember her sister as well, I remember the way she lived as a Hufflepuff. Humble, loyal to her friends, though her lack of confidence got the better of her... I don't see that in you though. I see traits like a true... GRYFFINDOR!" The hat shouted out loud. You jumped up smiling, more applause and then you ran to Lily's side at the table.

  Snape was sorted closer to the end. He made it into the Slytherin House. He didn't look disappointed about the choice the Hat made for him. However, he did look disappointed with the house the Hat gave Lily.

  Life at Hogwarts carried on. You had your favorite classes and your least favorites- Potions class was your least favorite because you were so bad at it, though Lily excelled at the class and helped you out when you needed it (which was often). A class you really hated was History of Magic with Professor Binns. He was the dullest and most boring man- well, ghost in the school. He never spoke of anything but class material, and seemed frozen in a state of pure misery.

  Your favorite class was Transfiguration with Professor McGonagall. She was an excellent and bright professor, and she told you stories of how she excelled in her years at Hogwarts. It was one of your favorite pastimes, to go to her class and meet with her privately. That was where she told you of her golden Quidditch years and helped you with Transfiguration.

  On one particular day you sat with her. It was just after supper and you had planned a meeting with her- she was going to teach you to change a match into a needle accurately. Curfew for all students was drawing near and you were wrapping up the session- your match was nearly pointy and silver.

  "What are you focusing the most on?" She asked, hovering over your work.

  "Honestly, Professor? Home." You missed your mother terribly these past few weeks. You've been here at Hogwarts for months and though you were enjoying your experiences here at school, you couldn't deny how you felt.

  "I see. The Summer holidays are around the corner. Go get some rest and we'll pick this back up next week." She promised you.

  "Okay, but Professor? If you don't mind, one more round?" You smiled at her. She returned the smile with a small nod and you turned back on the match. She set a brand new one before you and you were focusing...

  Right as you transformed the needle, her office doors swung open. A young boy that you recognized from your year sprinted in- gasping for air with sweat dripping from his forehead. His lengthy, dark black hair bouncing in front of his eyes. His robes looked rugged from running. Sirius Black, he was a boy in Gryffindor, like you. You heard a sharp, "Clink!" and looked down- your match turned into a perfect, silver, sharp needle.

  Professor McGonagall patted you on the back and smiled. "Mr. Black, I'm glad you could finally make it. Where is Mr. Potter?" She asked.

  Sirius gasped for air and barely muttered, "bathroom." He bent down and put his hands on his knees, his breathing uneven.

  "Glad you could finally make it." She told him. "Miss __, I will meet with you again next week. We'll begin beetles to buttons?" She patted your back as you got up to leave. Your eyes met with Sirius as he straightened back up and he gave you a small smile and a slight wink. You ducked your head down quickly. You felt your face flushing red as a tomato, and left the room in a hurry.

  The next few weeks were nothing but thoughts filled of Sirius.

  "__!" Lily shook your shoulder. "__?" Dinner time had just finished and everyone was in the Great Hall eating dessert.

  "Huh? Sorry Lil. I was thinking." You were actually daydreaming. But it wasn't about home; home was never on your mind anymore.

  "Did you want any chocolate pudding?" She asked, holding the dish up in front of you. Your mind wasn't on chocolate pudding though- it was on Sirius. "Oh, really! __, why don't you tell me what's going on?" Lily was frustrated, and rightfully so.

  "It's nothing Lily, I'm just missing home." You shrugged, taking the pudding dish from her so she would be at ease. You spooned some onto your plate but just poked at it, tossing some here and there with your spoon on your golden platter.

  "It's something. Is it Potions again? Sev can help you. I can try, I don't think my tactics are working for you though." She frowned. "Sev won't mind, you know that."

  "I know." You nodded. Just then Professor Dumbledore announced that supper was over and it was time for everyone to head back to their Common rooms and go to bed. You and Lily walked together to go to the girl's dormitory (after giving the Fat Lady your password, which was snugglesnout), and readied for bed.

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