Sirius (6)

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  Part Six

  New Perspectives

  A few days went by and Sirius was working on getting to know you. Anytime of the day that you both had, he was by your side.

  "So, your family... What are they like?" He asked while walking with you to Transfiguration one day.

  "My mum comes from a family of witches- but she wasn't ever allowed to practice it herself. Long story, really." You added when he looked confused. "She has magic but she was forbidden from her mother to go to school- her mother was raised to hate magic because of her father who was disgusted by my great grandmother's magical heritage. Odd really."

  "And, your father?" He asked.

  "My father is a Muggle. No sign of magic at all on that side. I'm an only child, but I am very close with my cousin Tilly. We are close like sisters. Well- we were. I have to keep my lifestyle a secret from her." You shrugged. "Not so bad though, now that I've made friends."

  "What's your home life like?"

  "Very full of love." You said.

  His eyes twinkled with jealousy. "Really?" You nodded.

  "What about yours?" You asked, feeling impolite as he asked you all the questions and you hadn't asked a single one about him.

  "Don't worry about my family." He laughed and shook his head. "I've got an older brother and a mum who hates me. A few deranged cousins too, though one of them seems to be turning out a little normal."

  "Oh. I'm sorry to bring it up."

  "Don't be- you didn't know. I live with James for most of the time, anyway. He's like my brother." Sirius told you. "My brother can be a real-" But Professor Slughorn was passing by and Sirius decided to not finish his sentence. You got the hint, though.

  You were rounding the corner when you caught sight of Peeves the Poltergeist teasing a first year. The first year had golden locks of hair and with the sight of his tie and badge you caught that he was a Ravenclaw. Peeves was holding the first year's books above his head.

  "Peeves! Give him his books!" Sirius shouted. Peeves ignored this and stuck out his tongue, holding the first year's books up higher. "We'll go get the Bloody Baron!" Sirius threatened. Peeves looked very annoyed and offended.

  "Don't know when fifth years got so ahead of themselves!" He mocked as he flew off, but not before dropping the first year's books onto the poor child's blond head.

  "Are you alright?" You asked, picking the books up for the boy.

  "Yes," He said, trying to steel himself back to normal. He fixed his golden locks of hair and straightened his robes. "Yes, thank you. I would have fought him off- you know! I think he was almost intimidated by me." He said.

  "I don't know about that." Said Sirius. "He looked like he was about to hold you upside down by your sneakers."

  "Don't be absurd- he couldn't possibly." The boy said. "I'm Gilderoy Lockhart." He said this in more of a statement as a 'Peeves can't touch me- I'm Gilderoy Lockhart!' type-of-way then an introduction of himself.

  "Pleasure." Sirius said. You handed the books back to him.

  "Ah, thank you." He said. "I best be off." And he sprinted away.

  "He is very odd." Sirius said when the boy was out of earshot.


  Days passed by and Sirius remained by your side. Asking continuous questions about your family; your hobbies; your favorite books; subjects you liked and hated; what the worst marks you received in a class was; what Muggle school was like; what were your career goals now versus what they were back when you didn't know you were a witch; your favorite foods and sweets. Anything he thought of, he asked you.

  You always tried to reciprocate the questions and ask him what he did, or thought of in return but he never wanted to talk about himself. It was always about you.

  "You know, __?" He asked while the two of you were laying down on the grass one Saturday after he had asked millions of questions.


  "I really enjoy spending time with you. It's like I can be myself." He closed his eyes as the sun came out from behind the clouds.

  "It is very nice. Although I wish you'd tell me about you."

  "There's nothing really to know. I like my friends, school, and I like watching Quidditch." He smiled and shrugged, then added, "And I like you. That's really it. That's all I need."

  You smiled at him. Without opening his eyes he held his hand out for you to grab. You took it in yours without question. The two of you laid there, hand in hand until the sun went down.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2022 ⏰

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