Sirius (4)

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Part Four

Going Home

  That next morning all students went down to the Great Hall for one last meal together. You all ate delicious danishes that were raspberry flavored, greasy sausage links and patties, slices of bacon that were a perfect combination of soft and crispy, goblets of orange juice, and apple juice, and pitchers of milk. You and Lily sat together- Severus sat with the Slytherins, as usual- and you both talked about your summer plans.

  "Severus said that if we went to his house this summer, we could all play Quidditch- he has a few brooms and lives in the countryside- it would be in secret and out of sight from Muggles!" She exclaimed excitedly. "Though I've never been on a broom, myself. It sounds fun!"

  "That does sound fun," You agreed, "he'll have to show me the Quidditch rules though." You said, "we could also have sleepovers together- you and me. We could go to the park together. I know it's 'muggle stuff' but Sev could come if he wanted..."

  "Evans!" A boyish voice called from somewhere beside you. Suddenly, a crescent roll flew from your left side and landed on Lily's plate. You both turned- it came from the Gryffindor table. The question who it came from was obvious as James Potter stood, waving his hands up. "Evans!" He called again.

  "What is it?" She demanded, she seemed annoyed with him. Maybe about the other day's incident or the raucous he was making. He got up from the table with his three friends and stood behind you both. You looked up at him, avoiding Sirius' eyes. You felt embarrassed and angry about the other day.

  "We- I wanted to apologize." He stuttered. "For the other day, I mean."

  "Okay." Lily said cautiously as if daring him to go on.

  He stood there in silence as he thought. "I am sorry, Lily. I acted like a fool- I've thought about it for a bit. I didn't mean to terrorize you." He turned to you. "And to you, I just felt like... like..."

  "Showing off?" She suggested.

  "Yeah." He nodded. "I didn't mean what I said. You're not greasy." He told you. "Not at all. It was mainly to annoy Snape."

  "I know." You said.

  "Do you forgive me?" He asked, though asking Lily in particular.

  "Oh? Oh, maybe." She said, "I think you should apologize to Severus though."

  James' face drained of color. "About that..."

  "James!" Lily said sternly.

  "Alright." He agreed. His three friends behind him sighed in annoyance. They didn't want to apologize to Severus, it was clear this was the outcome that they were dreading. "Alright." James said again, as if he were accepting his fate. "I'll apologize on the train."

  After breakfast all the students went to their own Common Rooms and gathered their belongings. Your hands were full of your trunk and Poppy's cage. (Poppy had flown in early this morning from the Owlery. She had nipped you gently on the ear to wake you up for the day. You let her into the cage and then had stacked her cage neatly beside your trunk.) You all then made your ways down to the Hogwarts Express on the horseless carriages. You, Lily, and Severus found a compartment together when you got on the train. You piled Poppy and your trunks in the spare seats and overhead shelves, and then you all sat together.

  "I'm sad to go." Lily said. She sat by Severus, you sat by Poppy in her cage.

  "I'll miss it too. Summer isn't too long though." You reassured her. "And we'll all keep in touch" You promised. They nodded in agreement.

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