Sirius (3)

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Part Three


  The next morning was the last Saturday before everyone left to go home. You found it in yourself that you really didn't want to go home. You wanted to keep making reasons to go around and see Sirius. Accidentally running into him in the halls, going to Professor McGonagall's office for an 'oops, I forgot my book; I have to run back!' incident when really you wanted to see him before each of his detentions he received. You didn't tell Severus or Lily how you felt toward him because it embarrassed you. You didn't want to seem obsessed with him or be labeled as a freak for stalking around- but you just had a crush on him. You felt it was innocent enough.

  To spend the beginning of the weekend you, Lily, and Severus went down to the lake where you lay on the grass, sometimes in silence or sometimes exchanging funny stories.

  "__," Severus said, "can you show me how to make that?" You had taken twine and tied it into a bracelet.

  "Yeah, you can have this one, Sev." You handed the twine to him and pulled out a small ball of twine from your robe's pocket then pulled out the right amount and ripped it by holding it with your hand and then pulling with your teeth. "This is yours, Lily." You smiled, rolling over on your stomach and began to tie.

  "Thank you." She smiled, watching your fingers work with the twine.

  "Look what we have here." A boyish voice came from behind you. You sat up immediately and saw a boy with very untidy, black hair. He was thin and had round glasses on his face.

  "What do you want now, Potter?" Severus said.

  "What's that on your wrist Snivellus?" Potter sneered. Three other boys came up from behind him. One boy was taller than the others, his eyes sunken in and looked very tired, he stood directly behind James. You recognized him but didn't know him by name; you knew he was in your year and even your House, but admittedly, you'd never seen him around. Another boy was hiding behind them, giggling. He was small and pudgy with a face that looked like a rat, his eyes eager for a good show. He was easily one of the ugliest boys you'd ever seen. The third was Sirius. Your heart skipped, of course you recognized him at once. "Is that a twine bracelet? You're not actually wearing that, are you?" Potter snickered.

  "I am Potter," Severus spat back at him, "for your information. Now leave us be, we are busy." Severus turned to you and Lily again, but James snatched the bracelet from your hand. Severus turned around defensively.

  "This is what you're wearing? A bit girly, don't you think?" James mocked and the boys all laughed.

  "Put it down James." Lily said, holding her hand out. The boy seemed to immediately listen and dropped it in her open palm, though he wasn't too happy about it.

  "Were you going to skip around in circles too, Sytherus? Throw daisies around like a flower girl?" Sirius guffawed, keeling over with laughter and pointing at Severus.

  "Shut it, Black. Come on Sev." You boldly stated, standing with Lily and Severus. You walked back to the castle slowly, but their mocking at Severus didn't stop.

  "Greasy-head Snivellus got a girlfriend! She's just as greasy looking as him!" Potter exclaimed. Severus had between you and Lily while walking back when he was suddenly lurching forward as if trying to catch himself against gravity; James had pushed him, and he had fallen forward. Lily turned around instantly, wand at the ready...

  "James Potter, I will hex you." She promised. He stood back. The boys were laughing as your face turned a bright red and you felt your heart break. As much as you crushed on Sirius- these boys were mean. James stopped laughing and walked away silently, ignoring Lily's threat. It was obvious he believed what she said though.

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