Sirius (5)

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Part five


  Years passed by and nothing happened between you and Sirius Black. In your fifth year, however...

  "Darling! We'll be late for the train!" Your mother called.

  "Coming mum!" You yelled down from your room, packing your trunk. "Poppy, let's go!" You said, Poppy flew from your windowsill where she had been staring out the window and flew onto the arm you were extending out for her to land on. "In you go now..." She went from your arm to her cage easily. "Just for a little while, okay?" She nipped your finger anxiously; you patted her head in return.

  "Severus is here, __!" Your mother called.

  "I'll be there in a moment!" You promised. Footsteps indicated that someone was running up the stairs. Your bedroom door opened and it was Severus. Now tall with lengthy limbs. His body was slim and pale, his hair was a thick, black mess that grew to his shoulders. His black eyes were eager and anxious, layers of purple bags beneath them.

  "Need help?" He offered, picking up your trunk without you giving him a response.

  "Well I suppose." You smiled. You locked Poppy's cage and you carried it as he took your luggage.

  "We will be late if you linger anymore." He returned the smile.

  "Let's go then." You sighed.

  In the car you sat with Poppy between you and Severus in the back seats. She hooted and squeaked between you, obviously eager to arrive.

  "Now we got all of your supplies darling? I know we marked it all off last week, I just want to be sure..." Your mother said, pulling another list from her pocket.

  "Yes, mum!" You sighed. You were very annoyed. "Everything, I promise. I double checked and checked again."

  "Okay, just want to be sure." She said, running her finger down the list and mentally checking it again anyway.

  "Now you send lots of letters this year, __. I want to see every Quidditch match!" Your father said from the front seat.

  "Of course." You promised.

  "And goodluck on all of the matches! You'll do great." Your mother smiled.

  You soon arrived at Kings Cross. You hugged your parents goodbye, and you and Severus stepped onto the train and picked a compartment.

  "We'd better find Lily." You said, he set the luggage over head.

  "You go ahead." He said, "I bet she's with Potter. I don't think anyone has noticed this, but Potter and I don't mix well."

  "We've noticed, Sev. There's nothing I can do to change Lily's mind." You frowned. "I'll be back, okay? I promise." He nodded and slumped by the window.

  You walked up and down the aisle way and peered into every compartment that you passed by. Some were full of friends laughing and reuniting, some were empty, and then finally you found a very full one with just one seat available. James Potter was sitting by the window, his arm wrapped around Lily's shoulder. She was leaning against him and beside her was Sirius Black. On the emptier row was Peter Pettigrew by the window- staring at James and laughing at anything he said. Remus Lupin was beside Peter, looking exhausted but happy as he looked at his friends. When you stepped into the sliding doorway, they all looked up. Lily smiled and James greeted you. "Hey, __! Sit down." You took the empty seat in front of Sirius.

  "I just came to see Lily." You smiled, you avoided eye contact with Sirius but you were very aware of his presence beside you. Especially the fact that you were sure that he was staring at you.

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