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Luckily, Donna and Wallace got full custody of Kelsey and she was much happier. At least until the bullying at school started causing Kelsey to want to fully skip school.

"Mom they're just gonna mess with me again," Kelsey said, eating her cereal while her mom fed her little brother.

"Kels don't be so dramatic," Her mom said, rolling her eyes slightly.

"Fine" she sighed before hearing the bus beep. "There's the bus," She said, getting out of her seat and heading towards the front door as Wallace came downstairs.

"Bye Kels, have a good day," He said as the teen raced by him.

"Bye Wallace," She said quickly, running out to the bus and boarding.

Wallace sighed as he saw the bus drive away, "I'm getting nowhere with her."

"Give it some time sweetie," Donna said as she fed Terrence the last bite of his breakfast.

"2 years is plenty of time Donna. I didn't show up yesterday." Wallace sighed as he tied on his tie, kissed his wife goodbye as well as their little boy, and headed off to work.


Kelsey was doing everything she could to avoid the group of popular girls that called themselves the "A-Team", that had it out for her since she'd been in kindergarten. She'd gone to the school and her mom countless times, and nothing had been done for it. Her mom had taken a position with a different school so she wasn't there to go to during the day.

During class, Kelsey had left to go to the bathroom, not realizing the A-Team girls were in the bathroom. All of them. There were 4 in total and all of them had hated Kelsey. No reason behind it, just someone to pick on.

"Uhm, who told you that you could interrupt our little meeting?" Their so-called leader, Alexis asked her, the other 3 just laughing.

"I just needed to use the bathroom okay?" Kelsey said, trying to walk past them but being blocked by Abby.

"You'll have to go somewhere else," Alexis told her, smirking as her minions nodded.

"The only other bathroom is across the school. My teacher will notice if I'm gone that long." Kelsey told them, all of them smirking but letting her through. She went to the bathroom quickly and as she came out of the stall, the A-team started to relentlessly beat Kelsey up. She tried to fight as much as she could but it was 4 against 1.

As soon as she fell to the floor, all 4 girls were kicking her all over the place. Alexis was kicking her straight in the back of the head which ultimately caused Kelsey to start convulsing. The A-team left Kelsey there during a seizure, luckily her being on her side. After the convulsing had stopped Kelsey just laid there, she couldn't think of what to do for a minute. She eventually was able to pull her phone out of her pocket, very lucky it wasn't completely broken. The screen was shattered but there was still enough together that she could see who she was calling as she dialed her mom's number. Donna was teaching at the time so she didn't answer. Who to call next? She started to cry as she pulled up her stepfather's contact, pressing the green button and hoping he'd answer.

"Hello?" He asked as he answered, Immediately hearing Kelsey's cry. "Kelsey, what happened?"

"They beat me up" Kelsey cried, hearing Wallace immediately get up.

"Where are you?" He asked, grabbing keys and heading to the common room to grab Brett and Foster.

"At school" Kelsey sobbed into the phone. "In the bathroom"

"Okay stay on the phone, I'm on my way," he said, Kelsey hearing him calling for Brett and Foster to get the ambulance.

After that, it was just sirens as he drove to the school. He hung up as he got to the school, walking in and going to the office.

"I need to find Kelsey Robbins," He told the secretary, Brett, and Foster walking in behind him.

"Sir, what's this all about?" She asked politely, seeing the 2 paramedics behind him.

"I got a call from Kelsey. She said she was beaten up by some girls and she needed help." He said sternly.

"Sir, who are you to Kelsey?"

"I'm her stepfather, Wallace Boden. Her mother is Donna Boden."

"Let me call her mother and make sure it's alright for you to pick her up," The secretary said, picking up the phone to call Donna.

"We don't have time for that. She called me and told me she was hurt and that she was beaten up. Now I will walk through that door with my paramedics whether you want me to or not" Wallace said sternly. The secretary looked up at him and sighed, granting access through to the school.

Boden, Brett, and Foster started heading down the hallway, the paramedics looking to their chief for any indication of where the girl was.

"She said she was in the bathroom, there's a ton of bathrooms in this place," Chief Boden said, looking in each bathroom until he reached the top floor. Luckily it was the floor that Kelsey was on. He pushed a door open to a girl's bathroom, not caring. His stepchild was hurt and she was in there. "Kelsey"

"They beat me up" Kelsey started crying immediately after seeing the three walk in. There was blood coming from her nose, she'd thrown up after the seizure and had bruises all over her. "I want mom"

"I know and I've tried getting a hold of her. She's probably teaching" He told her as Brett and Foster started getting vitals before putting a collar around her neck and putting her on the gurney.

She was immediately taken in at Chicago med and assessed. She had had another seizure en route and was given the dose of Ativan, which stopped the seizure before they got there.

Chief Boden had tried to stay with her but no one allowed him in the room. He paced the hallway as he tried to get a hold of his wife, with no success. He'd sent a million texts and left a billion voicemails.

After a good few hours, Dr. Choi came out to inform the parents or just parent at the time of their child's condition.

"Okay, so she has a concussion and a lot of bruising. She is with Dr. Charles now, he will come and get you when he's done with her" The doctor told him, Wallace nodding and sitting to wait. Again.

Kelsey RobbinsWhere stories live. Discover now