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Kelsey went to her mom for everything. Including the biggest question she could ever ask Wallace. It was Father's Day and over the last few months, the 2 had gotten closer than ever. She wanted him to adopt her.

Kelsey realized how much he'd been there for her, and how he loved her no matter what. Obviously, she regret her behavior at the beginning of his and Donna's marriage.

"Mom, can I talk to you?" She asked, shutting her parents bedroom door behind her.

"Yeah honey, what's up?" She asked, setting down the computer to give Kelsey her full attention.

"Can I ask dad to...Um. I want him to adopt me,"

"Honey. Im sure he'd be thrilled," Donna smiled, hiding the tears pooling in her eyes.

"You think?"

"Of course Kels, he loves you so much. You may not be blood but sometimes, blood doesn't make a family," Donna told her, "have a plan?"

"No, not yet. But I wanna ask him on Father's Day," Kelsey stated, looking up ways on her phone. "You really think he'll say yes?"

"I do. Like I said, he loves you baby,"

"He does, and I was to stubborn to see it before," Kelsey sighed, sitting on the bed by Donna.

"You're a kid honey. Sometimes you have to learn the hard way,"

Kelsey nodded and smiled a little before getting up and going to her room. She looked up ideas on Pinterest and TikTok agonizing over which one would be perfect. None of them felt right at all, and then she looked on the calendar downstairs and his shift schedule. He'd be working on Father's Day, so she either had to push the surprise back or do it at 51. She sighed and put her phone away, having a snack before she decided to head to bed.


A few days later, it was the big day. With the help of Donna and their 51 family, they had a whole thing planned. As long as they were there long enough without getting called out, it would work.

"You ready?" Donna asked, pulling the car up to the firehouse.

"As I'll ever be. You think he'll say yes?" Kelsey asked, still anxious over even asking.

"I'm sure he will baby. I've told you, he loves you so much. You already call him dad," Donna told her, calming Kelsey's nerves once again.

"Okay," she nodded, getting out of the car and heading in.

Wallace came out to see his whole family standing there as Kelsey held the sign up.

"2/6/2016 you came into my life.
7/19/2018 You married my mom.
1/7/2022 I called you dad.
6/18/2022 Will you adopt me?"

"Kelsey Boden, get over here," the chief smiled, pulling Kelsey into a very tight hug. "Of course I'll adopt you,"

She nodded as a few tears slipped from her eyes, before hugging her father again. Donna was crying, so was Wallace. It was a big moment in the family's life, and it was beautiful.


A few weeks after, they had the court date to make it official as well as change Kelsey's last name from Robbins to Boden.

Kelsey had dressed up in a pretty blue dress and had her hair curled, complete with waterproof mascara since she knew there would be tears.

"Kelsey, you want Wallace to be your father?"

"Yes,"Kelsey confirmed with a nod and huge grin.

"Alright then, I present to you Kelsey Renee Boden," the judge smiled, signing the adoption papers as well as presenting them with a new certificate.

With that, Kelsey hugged her father tightly, happy that it was official.

They headed to a fancy restaurant where 51 had rented out a room to have a little party for their Chief and his daughter.

"There she is! Officially Kelsey Boden!" Mouch smiled, hugging the teenager tightly.

"Thanks Mouch," Kelsey beamed, loving the sound of her changed name.

"Suits you kid," Kelly grinned, also getting a hug from the newest Boden.

"It does," she grinned, making her rounds to talk to everyone.

It was a fun party with everyone she loved, before they all went home and dug into the big cake.

It was all perfect.

She was a Boden.


A/N: This is the end of Kelsey Robbins!!! Hope you all enjoyed!!!

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