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When Donna pulled in the driveway, she looked over to see Kelsey asleep in the passenger seat. She hated to have to wake her up, but they were home and she could go to her bed.

"Kelsey, we're home baby" Donna told her, with a little shake.

She sighed and woke up, slowly leaving the car and heading in the house.

"You want some chicken noodle soup honey?" Donna asked, watching her head up the steps.

"Maybe later mama" she sighed, going to her room. Donna heard the door creak shut and sighed.

Kelsey had changed her clothes and immediately got in her bed, going to sleep after coughing up a lung. Donna had heard her and checked their cabinets for any cold and flu medicine she could find. There was none. She sighed and picked up her phone, scrolling through her contacts until she found her husband.

Seeing Donna's name on the phone screen almost made Wallace panic, thinking that something could have happened.


"Hey, we're out of medicine and I don't want to leave her home alone when she's sick. Any chance you can pick some up?" Donna asked, checking the cabinets still. She hated to ask her husband while he was on shift, but for her daughter she'd do anything.

"Yeah I'll drop it by the house in a little while" Wallace said as he got up, grabbed his keys and headed out to the common room.

"Severide, I have to run out and get some medicine for Kelsey. Save me some of that brisket" he told his lieutenant, also letting him know he was leaving.

"Will do Chief"

He parked by the cart corral, going in and to the medicine in the back of the store. There were so many to choose from, but luckily Donna had sent the one she used for Kelsey. As soon as his hand touched the right medicine box, a loud crash boomed at the front of the store.


Donna looked at the clock about 2 hours later and no sign of Wallace at all. Kelsey had moved downstairs to the couch where Donna sat with her, tending to her sick daughter. Kelsey was absolutely miserable. She pulled out her phone to text him as she messed with Kelsey's hair.

Donna: Hey are you on your way? Kels is miserable.

She was a little worried when she got no response. She sighed and turned on the TV, putting on a random show that her and Kelsey liked so she could focus on something else.

At the firehouse, Mouch was watching the news when Severide noticed something off in the picture. Soon after, 61 was called out to the scene.

"Is that chiefs buggy?" He asked, coming closer and looking at the picture on their screen.

"I think it is" Mouch agreed, not moving much from his position.

"Why is it parked back by the shopping cart return, not with the other first responders?" Kelly asked, thinking Wallace would jump in if needed. Which he would.

"Huh" was all Mouch said.
Severide pulled his phone out and immediately thought to call Violet.

"Hey we just landed at the hostage scene" Violet said as she closed the ambulance door.

"Is Boden there?"

"i see Chief walker talking to the police up by tac command but it's not Boden" she said, looking around to see if she could spot their Chief anywhere.

"is his buggy in the parking lot? Back by the shopping cart return?" Severide asked, keeping his eyes on the news in front of him.

Violet looked confused but it all made sense when she went around the ambo and there it was. Chiefs buggy. "Yeah It is"

"Kay thanks Violet. We're on our way" Severide says as he hung up. "Roll rigs to the hostage scene now"


At home, Kelsey had finally fallen asleep on the couch, so Donna turned the channel. It landed on the news and she saw that same picture Severide did. She saw the buggy in the corner and immediately got a gut feeling that something was wrong.
Just as she thought to text Kelly, Kelly actually called her.

"Hello?" Donna answered, sounding nervous as she did.

"Donna listen. Have you seen the news?" He sounded calm but a little urgent.

"I have it on now. What's going on?" She asked, being somewhat quiet to not wake up her daughter.

"We think Chief is inside. His buggy is here and he told us that he was coming to get medicine for Kelsey." Severide told her, wishing he had more to say that was good other than the information he had.

"Okay. Okay." She carefully got up, trying not to wake Kelsey up. "Please Kelly. Keep me updated"

"I will Donna. Police and SWAT are here and working on getting them out now."

Donna sighed and hung up her phone after saying goodbye. She hoped everything would be okay and started watching the news for updates.


An hour and a half later, Donna was relieved to see 'Wallace' show up on her phone.

"Wallace" she answered, on the first ring.

"I'm okay. How's Kelsey?" He asked, but heard her relief when she answered the phone.

"She's miserable but she's sleeping so i guess okay. Are you okay? Kelly called me" she told him.

"I'm fine Donna. I'll be home after they take my statement" he said in his gruff voice. "I got the medicine."

"I'm not worried about the medicine Wallace, just get home to us"

"I'll be there soon" Wallace said, before exchanging goodbyes and "I love you" and hanging up.
She sighed and sat back down with Kelsey, thankful that she was still sleeping.

When Wallace walked through the door, Donna got up and immediately hugged him tightly. Even if she didn't want to admit it, it scared her.

"You sure you're okay?" Donna asked, looking up at her husband.

"Yeah. I'm okay. Are you?"

"I am not that you're home. Are you going back to work?"

"No. I'm home" He told her, only relieving Donna more.

Everything was okay.

Kelsey RobbinsWhere stories live. Discover now