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Donna rushed through the doors as soon as she saw all the missed calls and received a call from Kelsey's school. "Wallace, how is she?"

"Dr. Choi said she's with Dr. Charles right now. It was pretty bad when I got there. She did have a seizure on the way but not one that I know of since" He explained to his upset wife.

"Did the school call you?" She asked, wondering how he found out and got to Kelsey before she did.

"Kelsey called me," He told her, not realizing that she didn't know.

"Kelsey? My daughter Kelsey? Called you? Because she was in trouble?" She asked, a little confused because Kelsey hadn't really bonded with her stepfather.

"Yeah she called me" he nodded, as Donna set her stuff down.

"What were the injuries?"

"That I saw, and that Brett rattled off; Definitely a concussion, black eye, I know she had a seizure at the school and in the ambulance," Wallace said, and Dr. Charles finally came out to collect the parents.

"Chief, Mrs. Boden. Please come with me, I'd like to talk with you before I take you to Kelsey" He said as he took the worried parents to his office. "Please have a seat"

Chief Boden and Donna sat down in the seats as Dr. Charles sat at his desk.
"So, Kelsey said she was going to use the bathroom and some girls were in there."

"Did she call it the A-team?" Donna asked.

"Yes, She said it was Alexis, Abby, Amy, and Ashley," Dr. Charles said, looking at his notes from his talk with Kelsey.

"Yeah, that's them. They've been bullying her since she was in 3rd or 4th grade. Maybe kindergarten." Donna sighed, sitting back in her chair. Clearly, she was mad. This was her daughter. Her baby. No one hurts her baby.

"She said they told her to go use another bathroom but it was all the way across the school and her teacher would notice if she was gone that long." Dr. Charles explained as Donna sighed sadly. Wallace lent a supporting hand, hating his wife being so upset but it was a valid reason.
Kelsey was somewhat his child, and it also made him mad to see this happening.

"After that, Kelsey said they let her use a bathroom stall, and then after she came out, they just started to beat her up" Dr. Charles finished, Donna now in tears. Wallace hugged her from his side, knowing this was hard for his wife.

"How is Kelsey?" Donna asked, "Mentally and physically"

"She's not taking it well. She's very skittish right now" Dr. Charles informed her and Wallace.

"Can we see her?" Donna asked.

"Yeah, of course," Dr. Charles said, standing up and taking the worried parents to their daughter's room.

Kelsey was laying there, facing the wall, and didn't bother to look as she heard them come into the room.

"Hey, sweetheart" Donna said as she sat in the chair by her daughter's bed. Wallace sat beside Donna as he looked at Kelsey. Kelsey refused to make eye contact with either her mom or stepfather.

"Hey kiddo," Wallace said lightly, hating that his stepchild that he considered his daughter had all the bruises on her face and all over her. They still got nothing from the teen as she lay there.

"Honey?" Donna asked, wishing her daughter would even say something little to her. Most of all, she just wished that she could help her.


Kelsey ended up spending the next few days in the hospital, healing as much as she could before Donna and Wallace could take her back home. She was not to go to school for at least a week after going home. She didn't mind it though, she'd rather stay home than go to school. Donna was able to stay home for the days that Wallace was on shift. During the 2 days that he was home, he stayed home and made sure that Kelsey had all she needed.

He was downstairs when he heard a scream come from Kelsey's room, so he hurried upstairs, and went into the teen's room.

"What happened Kelsey?" He asked, sitting on her bed as the teen sat up and cried. Wallace offered a hug and was honestly shocked when Kelsey accepted the hug and even returned it. "It's okay. It was just a dream, I got you" He repeated as he attempted to calm down the crying teenager.

"Why do they hate me so much?" Kelsey sobbed, hugging Wallace tightly.

"I don't know kiddo. I don't know. What I do know is that you are way more than them. They only have each other, you have a ton of friends and people that care about you and your mom and I are going to do everything we can to get it taken care of okay?"

"Do you promise?" Kelsey asked, looking up at him for an answer.

"I promise Kelsey. We will get this taken care of" Wallace told the child, holding her as she calmed down. "You okay now?"

"Yeah, I think so," Kelsey said as she wiped her remaining tears off her face. "Thanks, Wallace," She said as she sat back in her bed. She turned on her TV and found a show as Terrence started to cry, waking up from his nap.

"Call me if you need me, okay?" Wallace said before leaving Kelsey's bedroom.

"I will," Kelsey said before snuggling back up in her bed and watching a random show on her TV.

Wallace nodded and headed to the toddler's room as Donna got home and came upstairs.

"Kels? Wallace?" She asked as her husband came out of Terrence's room.

"Hey" Wallace smiled as he handed over the toddler to his mother.

"Hey, how was it today?" Donna asked, taking the reaching toddler and setting him on her hip.

"Kelsey had a nightmare but she actually let me hug her for a little bit. Took her about 5 minutes to calm down. She should just be watching TV" Wallace explained, Donna responding with a smile.

"She let you? Did she return it?" She asked, her husband nodding.

"She did and she held onto me for a little longer than I thought she would" Wallace explained.

"She's letting you in"

Kelsey RobbinsWhere stories live. Discover now