Kelsey sat in the passenger seat of Wallace's Tahoe, going back to school for the first time since the attack on Kelsey. During her recovery, she'd become very close to her stepfather. He took care of her when her mom wasn't home. When he was on shift and her mom was teaching, she was home alone. He would still call and text her to make sure she was okay. If they had a run close to the house, he would make a special stop at home to check in and make sure she was doing okay and make sure she took her medicine.

"You ready to go back, Kelsey?" Wallace asked as he drove her to the school.

"No," She said softly, looking out the window as he pulled up to the school.

"Hey, look here," Wallace said, knowing that his stepdaughter needed to hear this. Kelsey looked at him, with more of a worried expression on her face. "You need to fight back Kelsey. If they come at you, you have mine and your mom's full permission to fight back."

"Thanks, Wallace" She nodded as she got out of the car. Wallace stayed as she walked into the school, hoping that Kelsey would fight back against her bullies if they tested her.

Kelsey walked in and put some things in her locker, seeing the A-team girls walking toward her. All she wanted, was for them to not even notice her. She didn't have any friends near her locker or really any friends in the school.

"Look who came back, girls. Our sweet little Kelsey" Alexis started.

Wallace's words simply rung in Kelsey's ears but she ignored them and walked away. The girls did not follow her, as she just walked to her classroom. Part of her felt good, in a way she was standing up for herself.
Kelsey laid low all day long but was very vigilant of everyone.

The A-team cornered her again at her locker, her sighing as she saw them.
'Stand up for yourself Kelsey' she thought and then heard Wallace's voice in her head, 'You need to fight back. If they come at you, you have mine and your mom's permission to fight back.

"Mommy came to your rescue huh?" Alexis asked, smiling evilly at the other teen.

"Why don't you go back to where you came from?" Abby sneered, Alexis, knowing it was getting to Kelsey.

"Yeah, go back to Mommy's school. She'll make sure she wipes your tears and protects you forever" Alexis added to Abby's statement.

"ENOUGH" Kelsey yelled. Enough was enough.

"Excuse me?" Alexis asked, a little shocked that someone would stand up to her. She was used to people being afraid of her.

"I said. Enough. I've had enough. I'm not going to let you walk all over me anymore so you might as well stop trying" Kelsey said, slamming her locker door shut.

"You little-" Alexis said through gritted teeth before grabbing Kelsey's hair and yanking her back. That pissed Kelsey off to no end. She turned around and waited. She wasn't going to be the first one to throw the punch. All she did was give Alexis a smirk, and Alexis wasted no time punching Kelsey straight in the jaw. The first punch was thrown, Kelsey's turn. She threw the best punch she could, getting Alexis in the cheek and quickly pulling her into a cop hold.

"Let me go you freak!" Alexis whined, sounding very stressed in the position she was in.

"I have let you bully me for a long enough time. I want you to know that you have no power anymore. You caused so much turmoil and pain in my life and I'm done. I'm fighting back" Kelsey said as she held Alexis tighter.

"Let me go!" Alexis yelled again.
The school resource officer soon came over and removed Kelsey's hands from Alexis. All Kelsey had to do was look at the other girls before they just walked away, somewhat quickly.

The principal came out and took both Alexis and Kelsey to the office. He called Donna and Alexis' parents, them eventually showing up. Wallace even showed up and gave Kelsey a little bit of a smile.

"I don't understand here" Erica, Alexis' mother said, "This girl has traumatized my daughter" She accused, not knowing how much pain Alexis had caused Kelsey.

"Do you know what your daughter did to my daughter?" Donna asked, looking at Alexis' mother in disbelief.

"Please. My daughter is never in trouble." Erica said, smiling at Alexis, "She's an angel."

"Your daughter attacked our daughter. Not only her but her whole little crew. They came after our child and I told Kelsey that she needed to fight back and defend herself." Wallace said, standing behind Donna.

"I don't believe that for a second. I want to see cameras" Erica demanded, Donna pulling up a Facebook video that had since been taken down but Donna had screen-recorded. As soon as she had it ready, she about shoved the phone in Erica's face.

The video was full of the girls laughing as they beat Kelsey in the bathroom, soon leaving when she started seizing.
"Little bitch won't know what hit her" Alexis sneered, talking to the camera, Donna turned it off after that.

"You see it now? Do you see what your kid did to my daughter? Did you know she was hospitalized?" Donna asked, firing constant questions at the other mother.

"That has to be fake Alexis," Erica said as she turned to her daughter, Alexis said nothing. "Alexis Marie." The mother said again, wanting an answer from her daughter but getting nothing.

"Well, due to this we have 2 options" The principal started, "We can expel Alexis or she can do a week suspension and extended anger management courses here at the school."

"I don't want any child expelled from school," Donna started, turning to the student. "I want Alexis removed from my daughter's classes and in the anger management courses"

"Thank you, Mrs. Boden." The principal said before turning to Alexis. "It's settled. A week of suspension and anger management courses. I also don't want to see you near Kelsey again" The principal said before everyone left.

Wallace and Donna left, taking Kelsey with them and taking her for a lunch at her favorite restaurant and ice cream before heading home.

Kelsey RobbinsWhere stories live. Discover now