After the incident with the A-team, Alexis and her friends were all removed from Kelsey's classes and put into classes alone and on separate sides of the school. The bullying has died down and now Kelsey was doing a lot better. She was back to playing soccer like a champ and the happy kid they loved.

"Is Kelsey up yet?" Donna asked Wallace as she cut up Terrence's breakfast.

"I haven't seen her. I'll go up and check." He said as he headed for the steps. As soon as he got to the top, he realized that Kelsey's door was still shut so the teen was most likely still sleeping. Wallace softly knocked before opening the door to see the teen covered in blankets and sound asleep still. "Hey Kels, you gotta get up for school," he told her but she didn't move. "Kelsey?"

"Hmm?" She mumbled, not wanting to move from her spot.

"Kiddo you gotta get up for school," Wallace said softly but saw that Kelsey wasn't acting like her usual self. She'd been a light sleeper as long as he'd known her, so for it to take more than talking, he knew something was up.

"Nooo" she sighed but sat up slowly.

"You feeling okay?" He asked immediately. He noticed her pale face, the sniffles, and her eyes looked very tired and puffy.

"Mhmm" Kelsey replied, starting to get out of bed. "And even if not. I have a huge math test, I can't miss it"

"You sure hun?" Wallace asked, knowing the kid was dedicated to her studies.

"Yeah. I'll be fine" she said as she got out of bed and went to go get ready.
Wallace went back downstairs to where Donna was finishing up with their little boy.

"She okay?" Donna asked, now hearing the floor creaking upstairs where Kelsey was walking.

"She says she's fine but I don't know. She's pale, her eyes look puffy and she was sniffling a lot."

"Maybe we should keep her home from school" Donna suggested, cleaning Terrence up.

"She won't Donna. She said she has a big math test today that she can't miss" Wallace reported as the teenager came downstairs, in her school clothes. She'd put her hair up in a messy bun and didn't bother to put any makeup on.

"Honey, you sure you wanna go to school?" Donna asked, immediately seeing what Wallace had just told her.

"Mhmm. Big math test" she said as she downed some Tylenol with some water, it would only mask the symptoms for now. That would at least get her through the test and then she could maybe go home.

"Honey, you can probably skip it and take it tomorrow?"

"No mom. It's for Hanson's class. He's a stickler." Kelsey sighed as she waited in the living room for the bus.

"Will you be able to get her if she's sick?" Donna asked, hoping that Kelsey would come home after.

"Yeah, I can leave for a few minutes and get her. She can just sleep on the couch in my office"

Just as he said that the bus pulled up and honked as it did every day.

"Bye honey. Call us if you need to come home" Donna said after the teen, who gave a quick wave and walked out to the bus.

School was less than thrilling. Kelsey was sure she completely bombed the math test. Now she was just feeling like complete crap. She didn't want to break down and call but figured it was time. She tried her mom and got no answer because she was teaching. So she pulled up her stepdad's number and called him. Luckily they were just getting back from a call so he was able to answer.

"Hey Kelsey"

"Can you come get me?" Kelsey asked, with a little sniffle. The girl was good about making it through the day when it came to being sick. Something about today was different.

"Still not feeling great?" Wallace asked, turning around to get back in the SUV.

"Not at all" Kelsey sighed, really grateful that he answered the phone.

"Alright, hang tight. I'm coming" he said and headed over to the school. Not as fast as last time but not slowly either.

Kelsey was waiting in the office for him and honestly looked sick as he got there.

"You ready kiddo?"

"Yeah let's go," she said with a sniffle, grabbing her bag and going out to the buggy. "Thanks for coming to get me"

"I knew you didn't feel good when you didn't wake up to talking this morning. At first"

"Yeah, I feel awful. I just want to sleep." She admitted, leaning against the window.

"You can sleep in my office. No one will bother you back there"

She nodded and as soon as they got to the house, she was in his office and laying on the couch.

It didn't take long for Kelsey to fall asleep with her jacket on but without a blanket. He didn't want to wake her up so he got a blanket and just covered her up.

He continued to work at his desk, keeping an eye on Kelsey. Of course, Hermann busted in with one of his problems.

"Chief we got an issue-" Hermann started, being quickly shushed by the chief.

"Keep your voice down." He told him, quietly nodding towards the sleeping teenager.

"What's she doin here?"

"Sick." He said simply. "Go ask Brett if they have a thermometer on the ambo."

Hermann did and soon came back with a forehead thermometer that Wallace hoped wouldn't wake Kelsey up. He swiped the thermometer across her forehead and immediately, the device came up red with a big 101.3 on the screen. Wallace just sighed and pulled out his phone to text Donna that he had Kelsey at 51.

Wallace: I got Kelsey from school. She's sleeping right now, 101.3 fever.

Donna: Okay, I'll come get her after I get done here.

Wallace: Alright. See you later.

Wallace kept an eye on Kelsey while he worked, and shushed anyone that tried to come in. Kelsey hadn't woken up and it was only 2:30. He picked her up at 11:00 am. Donna would be there soon enough so he just let her sleep.
An hour or so later, Donna knocked and came in.

"Hey. Is she still sleeping?"

"She hasn't moved since she fell asleep. I tried to get her jacket off but she was out" Wallace explained, watching Donna go over to their daughter and gently shake her. Kelsey wasn't very easy to wake up but did eventually.

"Let's go, home baby," Donna said, helping her up and out to the car.

Kelsey RobbinsWhere stories live. Discover now