1 - The Bank

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      "They'll never know!" he said as he exited the bank vault at two o'clock in the morning. "I just made myself a millionaire!" He was giddy with excitement. Little did he know, someone... or rather, something was following him. As he waltzed toward the exit of the dark bank with his sack of stolen cash slung over one shoulder, he felt something on his other shoulder.

"GAH!!" He yelped in surprise, almost dropping his sack. He spun to see what had touched him. He looked left and right but saw no one.

"Hey, down here!" called a high pitched voice. He looked down. There on the ground in front of him was a grey rabbit.

"I want some of that money," it said. The man blinked at the rabbit.

"Where did you come from?" he asked.

"You don't need to know that," The rabbit replied. "Right now I want you to give me some of that money!"

He laughed at the rabbit. "Why in the world would I give some random rabbit my money??"

The rabbit looked as if it had experienced this before. "Look," it said. "I don't want to have to hurt you."

The man laughed more. "What? Hurt me?? I bet your fuzzy little paws wouldn't even leave a bruise!" The rabbit pulled out some ninja stars from the pocket of the vest it was wearing. The man saw the glint of the shiny metal and jumped back. "Wh-where'd you get those, little fella?" The man asked nervously.

"These are the sharpest ninja throwing stars ever invented," the rabbit said. "Simply tapping it could cut your fingers off."

He stared at the rabbit in disbelief. "What do you want from me??" He asked.

"I already told you." The rabbit said with an annoyed tone. "I want some of the money. At least half." The man dug through his sack of stolen cash. "It will take a while to count five hundred thousand dollars..." he said. The rabbit looked at the man with surprise. "You got a whole million?" it asked. He nodded. "How did you get past all the security?" the rabbit further inquired. "Did you use the Lancer Technique?" He nodded again. "Yep," he said. "I'm one of his students!" The rabbit stared in awe. "You are one of Miguel Lancer's students??? What's your name?"

"My name is Jenzi."

"Mine's Rubannon. I know, it's a weird name. I'd prefer Ruby."

"I think that's an interesting name," said Jenzi. "Do you know what it means?"

"No, I don't. But, did you get the money or not?" Ruby became angry. "I still have these ninja stars!"

Of course, Jenzi didn't want this angry little rabbit to attack him with these stars. But, he was a lonely man, and he wanted someone to talk to. He had finished counting the money, but he didn't want this potential friend to leave just yet. "So," started Jenzi. "Where's your hideout?"

"It's in the alley farthest from the Primary Building." stated Ruby. "I like how sparse the people are there."

"Sparsity? You seem like a loner"

"Yeah, I've been alone most of my life. Taught myself how to fix my own bike. Also, I built my own house."

Jenzi stared at the small rabbit before him in awe. "You live like that all the time?" he asked. "That's so cool! I want to be like that one day."

Ruby looked at Jenzi with mild confusion. "But, every criminal wants to be like the great Miguel Lancer! He pulled off some of the greatest heists ever known! He stole from that one museum in France who's name I can't pronounce! You're one of his students for crying out loud!"

"Shhhhh!" said Jenzi. "I only gave myself an hour to get the money and go! I only have about five minutes left!" 

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