7 - The Infamous

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Suddenly there was a loud banging on the metal door that was the entrance to the warehouse. Jenzi went pale. "Oh no..." he said. Everyone who wasn't Jenzi looked confused. "If there's someone at the door, I'll answer it." said Ruby, moving towards the door.

"Don't!" yelled Jenzi, holding his hand up as if to stop her. "I know who that is. Miguel Lancer himself told me he'd be visiting soon, and he didn't tell me a specific date. I know it's him. I'm not supposed to have visitors, and if he sees you here..."

Lenny looked to Maddie, who was still standing where she was, looking at the feathers all over the floor. There was more banging on the door. "Backturn!" said a deep and menacing voice. "Open this door, or I'll have to let myself in!" Jenzi lifted a rug and opened a secret hidden trap door. "In here, quick!" he said. Lenny grabbed his sister's hand and went into the trap door. Roy followed, then Ruby. Jenzi shut the trap door and quickly flung the rug on top of it.

There was a loud BOOM and sunlight entered the space. The Infamous Miguel Lancer stood at the entrance of the warehouse. He was a tall man, and he did not look like the stereotypical criminal. He wore an ocean blue tuxedo and bright red dress shoes that somehow never got a speck of dirt on them. The serious expression he wore on his face could make just about anyone stand still and listen to what he had to say.

"Mr. Backturn..." he started, but his eyes strayed to the corner where the pile of feathers were. Miguel raised one of his bushy eyebrows. "What is this?" he asked Jenzi. "Oh, those are some... normal chicken feathers... that I got from a pillow." he replied. Miguel closed his eyes and shook his head.

"Tsk Tsk... All that I've taught you, and you still aren't able to come up with a decent lie..." Jenzi swallowed. "There's someone here, isn't there?" continued Miguel. "Or rather, multiple someones?"

"There isn't anyone here except you and me." said Jenzi, hoping the shakiness in his voice wasn't as noticeable as he feared it was.

Miguel went to the couch and picked up something shiny. "Now, Jenzi, I know you aren't one who collects weapons..." he turned the ninja star over in his hand, somehow not cutting himself with it. "So what is this ninja star made by Fred Guyastair doing here?"

Jenzi didn't know what to say. He didn't want to give away the fact that he had visitors, for fear of what Miguel would do to them. But... the intensity of his stare was quite intimidating. He unintentionally tilted his head a fraction of an inch towards the rug. Miguel caught it, and went to the rug.

"Ah, how could I forget?" he said to Jenzi as he shifted the rug with his foot. "You have a secret trap door here under this rug, don't you? This must be where you keep most of your wealth? And where other things may also be hidden?" Jenzi said nothing. Miguel kneeled down and opened the trap door.

Suddenly, a ninja star flew out and ripped part of his tuxedo sleeve. He didn't even flinch. "Now this is quite interesting," he said. "a rabbit and three teenagers. I was almost worried." He stood up.

"You should be worried! About me!" shouted Ruby as she hopped out from the room below. "What's wrong with Jenzi having visitors, huh? He's been lonely!"

Miguel looked at the small rabbit before him. "Only the best criminals work alone." he said. "That's how I work. Occasionally hire people, then fire them when they're no longer useful. But, there is someone I would like you to meet." He loudly clapped his hands twice.

A person wearing a long black cloak entered the warehouse. "Hello, Jenzi and friends," said the female voice. "How about handing over those feathers, huh? I-- we want them." Jenzi still stood there, not knowing what to do. Ruby prepared to throw another ninja star, but as she reached into her pocket to get one...

"Hey, where'd all my stars go??"

"Apparently you threw them all away." said Miguel matter of factly. "And now you cannot do anything to stop me from obtaining those feathers." 

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