4 - The Teenagers

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As the morning came, a teal pickup truck drove by the not-so-abandoned warehouse. The truck stopped and three teenagers jumped out. The tallest one, whose name was Roy, walked towards the warehouse. He had raven black hair and a loose sports T-shirt. "This is the one my uncle talked about!" he said, "The old haunted Mason warehouse!" The shortest one, a girl named Maddie with long brown hair, a grey hoodie and purple glasses stayed near the truck. "I don't like how this looks..." she said, looking at the building with concern. "It looks like it could collapse any second!" The second tallest one, a boy named Lenny with short brown hair and a long sleeved shirt said to the girl, "Quit worrying so much, Maddie! It's not gonna fall on us!" The tallest boy tapped on a rusty gate, and it fell over. "Roy!" Maddie yelled. "I knew we shouldn't have come here! This is dangerous and stupid!"

"Relax, Maddie," said Roy. "We're just gonna spend 24 hours here and record it. Then we'll get lots of subscribers to our channel!" Maddie shook her head. "I can't believe you dragged me into this." she said. "I ought to take the truck and leave you and Lenny here!" Lenny made a face. "Aww, you really don't want to leave your big brother here!" he said with a childish tone. "I'll be lonely."

"First of all," started Maddie. "I am older than you. Second, this is ridiculous! Roy just heard some random story from his uncle about this place, and all of a sudden you want to do a stupid 24-hour challenge here?? That doesn't make any sense! You didn't even do any research! There could be criminals here!" She shrunk into her hoodie. "We could get kidnapped, or worse!" She looked over her shoulder, half expecting a criminal to jump out and grab her.

Lenny laughed. "I don't get why you're so paranoid, Maddie." he said to his sister. "I'm pretty sure that there's no one here. If anything happens we can just hop in the truck and go." Roy walked to the door. "Hey, look!" he said, pointing to it. "I think someone was here. There's a chain that was on the door, but now it's on the ground."

Maddie backed towards the truck. "We should leave. Now. This might be a criminal's hideout!"

"That would be cool," said Roy. Maddie looked at her friend with a bewildered expression on her face. "Cool?" she asked. "You think it would be cool to find a criminal hideout???" Roy nodded. "We could be like those detectives on TV!" he said, excitedly. "Maybe... maybe this could be the hideout of the infamous Miguel Lancer!"

"Oh no," said Maddie, getting into the truck. "I'm not going in there. You two can, if you want, but I'm staying right here!" "Alright," said Lenny. "You can be our getaway driver!" Maddie rolled her eyes at him. Roy pushed open the large rusty door of the warehouse and suddenly, something shiny flew out and sliced off some of Roy's hair. He stumbled back in surprise.

Maddie screamed. "Roy! Lenny! Are you okay?! That looked REALLY dangerous! What if it was something sharp, like a ninja star?? Lenny? Roy?" she called to them. But Roy and Lenny didn't move. They were staring at something inside the warehouse. She yelled to them, "What are you staring at??" She was really startled and panicked. Maddie forced herself to leave the truck and she walked to Lenny and Roy. She looked into the warehouse and yelped in surprise. There was a small grey rabbit glaring back at them, wearing a black vest and holding a ninja star. 

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