sniper regrets his life decisons (same, snipes. same.)

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sniper was tired of the gay ruining his life. at first he liked it, but taht was before it was cool.

first scout admits his gay, and so now snoops is being stalked by an angry virgin. now, his hot french bf was making jim talk to said angry virgin.

"stoopid spy, making me talk to his stoopis son, becauae hes too much of a wanka to do it himself," sniper muttered edgily. sniper is edgy. so edgy in fact that he will give you a papercut if you try and touch him.

"mate this is stupidd," sniper had tried to argue, but spy said hes be not allowed piss jars, so sniper was bullied into confronting scoot.

scouts door was covered in gay flags and some weird mask with a smile for hours at a time. it also had a large sign taht said "nu frenench alloud!1!1!1!!1!!1!"

sniper wanted to burn it.

'he gently opened the door..'

scout was standing yhere in a very badly drawn maid outfit that made snipes skins crawl. scoot had cat ears, a tail, and was wearing a mask with a smile for hours at a time.

"o-oh~ sniper senpai-" scouy tried to owo beforw sniper and god herself (me lol) cut scoot off.

"no. just no. I know you have something to say and I know you're eager to say it so I'll get right to the point: Shut the fuck up. Nobody wants to hear it. Nobody will ever want to hear it. Nobody cares. And the fact that you thought someone might care is honestly baffling to me,"

and with thise, er, loverly wall of copypasted text, sniper left to go make out with spy or something.

scout was depressed. the man he loved was gone forever. dweam failed him. the maid outfit didbt even fit!

scout started crying for the 69th time, and fell to the floor. he was about to die of gay sadness again, but someone caught him...

"well you sure do suck dont ya?"

it was none other than kennith from cummunicatuions/colorgays/broadcast homosexuals!!!

"omg its kennith from colorgays!!1!1" scout was in awe. not only was this a character that about 3 people had heard of, it was also a gay character! gay! and not french either!

"yeah yeah virgin, im nit here for you so get up," he yeeted sciout up.

"why do you here then," scout was confuzzeld. what was the pount of kennith the gay cactus being here? no one is in the ghost and pals fandom anymore...

"i lost a bet with crispy so now i have to help the most loaer of the gays," kennith said annoyed because he'd much rather kill another 100,000 people with a tv then help this twerp. "and you are the most loaser of the gay,"

scout was about to start crying again, but kennith his him on the head to make him stop.

"listen here you little shit, im gonna make sniper love you, because if he doesnt love you than crispy is gonna make me stay here, and nithwr of us want that, alright?"

scout nodded exappily (yes i invented a word, shut up), and saiiiiiid "okai so what i do to make him luv moi," he was so exappy that his french slippe out.

"thats the neat part! you dont," kennith grumbled, "im gonna threaten him into loving you and we'll see if that works. it worked for crazy town so who kneos,"

"didnt crazy town get deleted?"

"shhhhhhhut up," kennith plotted.

will sniper live scunt?? will kennith resist the urge to stab scouyf?? will slurpee make an actual apperance since she's a doll??

i dunno. this was mostly a filler chapter, since what i actually wanted to do with my night was write a fucking ghost and pals fanfiction but noooo i had to finish the stupid gay scunt book.
fucking dammit.

please kill me now,

le scout is le gay and also le frenchWhere stories live. Discover now