Chapter 4

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Music greeted Kyle's ears when he stepped through the door. Stairs led down to the basement below Flamencos. When he got to the bottom, he turned and entered Castro's bar. It felt like home when he heard the characteristic click of pool balls.

"Hola Kyle." Emilio was standing by the bar, already with the first round of beers.

The bar was dim inside, only lit up by neon beer logos behind the bar, a dusty lamp in each booth, and a low light above each pool table. He embraced Emilio with a hug, then picked up a bottle from the bar.

"Salud," Emilio raised his bottle with a smile.

"Salud," repeated Kyle and they clinked the bottles. They approached one of the free pool tables and he set up the balls.

Emilio chalked a cue then lined up his shot. "You did something special last night then, hombre?" Emilio hit the cue ball hard, clapping it into the rest and dispersing them across the table. "Don't tell me. You drank at Hector's." One of the balls dropped into the pot with a thud.

"Lucky shot." said Kyle. "Why should I do anything different?"

"It was your birthday. A day for celebrating."

"You're my only friend Emilio, and you were sleeping."

Emilio took his next shot, only just missing the pot.

"See I told you, just luck."

"It's been ten years since I found you sleeping at the docks and you've never done anything on your birthday."

"And you never shut up about it. It's not important to me."

Emilio didn't respond. He knew to stop pushing. They had no secrets from each other and he only tried because he cared. But Kyle never wanted to celebrate his birthday. He was content to ignore the event and forget his past.

"You're terrible at this game," said Kyle when Emilio missed another easy shot. "I don't know why you keep playing."

"How many times have I beaten you? Pendejo." Emilio rolled his eyes.

Kyle potted the last of his balls and the black to end the game. "Come. Let me buy you another cerveza before your shift."

"Gracias hombre, I'll grab a booth and we can chat."

Kyle brought two bottles back and sat with Emilio. "How is Mama Elvira?"

"You should come round and see her sometime." His eyes were accusing. "Eh, she's okay. Always complaining about the Rodríguez kids. As always."

"The ones who run with the Rojas?" Kyle whispered to avoid attention.

"Those are the ones. Not even sixteen and already on the cartel payroll. Señora Rodríguez always complains to Mama."

"They're not the first on your street to join the cartel, hombre."

Emilio shook his head and took a swig of beer. Kyle sighed. They both knew the Aguilas Rojas had their roots deep into the barrios of Veracruz.

"True, but at least they're not like some cabrones we've seen going into Flamencos."

Kyle's eyebrows raised. "Speaking of..." He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "You missed quite the arrival just now."


"A whole motorcade of flashy whips. Men in suits meeting the cartel."


"I don't think so. There was one man – their boss. I've seen his type all my life. He was a criminal, through and through." Kyle took another long swig.

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