Chapter 33

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Baldo eased right back on the throttle and all the power in the boat died almost at once. It drifted towards the very back of the yacht, which then began to open like a drawbridge, revealing a wooden deck. A man dressed in white trousers and polo neck walked out from the bowels of the ship. A rope was thrown to him and he secured it to a hitching point on the back of the ship.

Baldo leapt down onto the wooden deck with the spring of a much younger man. He turned to face the others, still on the boat, and stretched out his arms.

"Welcome to Issadora. Isn't she beautiful?"

Connor stepped across from the smaller boat next, taking a lot of care. Kyle hopped down with a little more finesse, then offered his hand to Trudie. She brushed him off and skipped over with as much grace as Baldo.

"Wonderful." Baldo waved them forward. "Now, let me show you around, then you can retire to your cabins."

He led them all into the ship and the smaller cabin cruiser was untethered and taken back into port. Kyle's head turned when the engine roared, and he watched his only means of escape shrink into the distance across the blue waters.

They all followed Baldo deeper into the ship, going deck by deck to each of the amenities it had to offer. The luxury yacht boasted seven guest cabins and thirty one crew berths. The decor was all modern and luxurious too, and there were a further three bars on top of the one on the lower deck. There was a swimming pool, gym, steam rooms, jacuzzi, movie room, piano room, dining & party area, withdrawing area, sun deck and a helipad. It was essentially a floating palace. Within the hull were six jet skis and two speedboat open-tenders.

Possibly Kyle's favourite feature was on the top deck at the front of the ship. A helipad, which could be lowered into the ship, then covered over by a sliding door which doubled up as a tennis court. It was the ultimate display of wealth and opulence. Baldo revelled in every minute of the tour, showing off his wealth and power. It was hard to miss the underlying threat there too.

The tour was completed and one by one, they were taken to their luxurious cabins. Kyle and Trudie were sharing. Theirs had a huge bed, TV, sofa and full en suite facilities.

Trudie leapt face first onto the bed, sinking into the satin sheets, and let out a deep sigh. "I've never stayed somewhere so lavish."

He laughed. "It is pretty classy."

He walked over to the mahogany wardrobe and pulled open the doors. There was a full set of clothes for both of them. Shorts, shirts, shoes - the lot. Kyle had only packed a bag with a few bits in but it looked like he wouldn't need any of them. Baldo had provided all he needed. Trudie too. She had dresses, shirts, skirts, shoes and all sorts. He wondered if Baldo went to this much effort for all his guests.

Trudie walked up behind him and wrapped her arms round his waist. "So, whatever happened to Ed–"

He placed his hand over her mouth and stared at her with wide eyes. She was beyond surprised and froze to the spot.

He leaned in close to her ear. "The room could be bugged. Best we don't talk too much." He released her mouth and she nodded.

There was a knock on the door. A man dressed in whites was stood there, different from the last.

"Hola señor. Señor Baldo would like to invite you to dinner, in fifteen minutes." He stood motionless, waiting for Kyle's response.

"Ok. Where will that be?"

"Deck four señor, at the stern."

He nodded, "ok, thank you," then slid the door closed.

Trudie looked at him with one eyebrow raised. "The stern?"

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