Chapter 11

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The engine of the Harley idled with a low grumble, echoing off the alley walls. Kyle looked down at his watch, tapping his foot and fiddling with a frayed cord on his jeans. The door opposite opened and Trudie stepped out into the gloomy alley. Her teal sundress whirled round her legs while she skipped over to him.

She hopped on behind him. "Where are we going then–"

Kyle slipped the bike into gear and tore away down the street. Her arms squeezed around him. He took the road heading south out of the city, following the coastline to the next town. They left the green countryside and entered the quiet urban area, set among palm trees and patches of dry grass. He turned off the main road and stopped the bike at a bar which was right on the beach.

He picked a table beneath the palm thatched shelter, with a good view of the sea, pulled out the chair for her to sit, then went inside to get them drinks. He returned with a bottle of red wine. The maroon liquid chugged out of the bottle, sloshing into the glasses.

Trudie took a sip. "This place is beautiful." She leaned her chin on her hand. "How did you find it? I suppose you bring all your girls here?"

He forced a laugh. "It was a recommendation."

"Oh really, from who?"

"My friend Emilio's mother." He took a sip of wine. "She used to come here with her husband before..." His fingers drummed the stem of the glass. "I never met him."

Trudie placed a gentle hand on his. "I'm sure he would have liked you." She looked deep into his eyes and smiled.

They ordered food and the sun got lower in the sky while they ate their meal to the sound of sea birds and the rolling waves hitting the beach. The level of wine in the bottle dropped as the evening went on. Their plates were cleared away and they poured the last drop of wine into their glasses. The sun was now hovering just above the town behind them. They took their last sip of wine and he could feel his face glowing. She smiled at him. There was no place he'd rather be in that moment but the surge of guilt rose up from his gut.

Trudie looked out across the darkening sea. "We should take a walk down the beach." He smiled and offered his hand. They took off their shoes and strolled along the edge of the water, feeling the soft sands slip between their toes.

They sauntered along the beach towards the sunset, watching it slowly slip behind the horizon, their fingers interlaced.

She sighed, resting her head on his shoulder. "

"What shall we do now?"

He smiled. "I wanna take you somewhere, come on."

They climbed back onto his motorbike and he rode her through the city toward the port. There was one spot he went to be alone, for peace and quiet. It was his favourite spot in the city. The road followed the coast and then came down right next to the railway tracks. Once he reached the part where the barrier stopped, he turned and took them off road. They doubled back and headed along the side of the road until it became too sandy to go any further on the bike. He led her on foot the rest of the way, over the dunes toward the sea.

Finally they came to a huge concrete breakwater, which jutted out a few kilometres into the ocean. Large blocks of concrete were piled up to provide protection to the port. He took her hand and helped her climb up, then they walked out further along. Moonlight was dappled across the surface of the water and the city lights twinkled in the distance. Wind ruffled his hair. There was something empowering about being so close to the sea when it crashed at the bottom of the concrete pile. The waves broke apart and sent spray up into the air which was blown by the breeze onto their faces.

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