Chapter 5

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Kyle stood in front of the black door to Emilio's house in the Rica barrio. It was a run down neighbourhood. He could hear the loud clamour of the television on the other side of the door. He braced himself and knocked. The door opened and Mama Elvira appeared behind the bug screen. She was a short lady with leathery skin. Her dark grey hair barely passed her ears. She always tied it back, out of her face with a bandana.

She clapped her hands. "Chico Kyle, it's been too long." Plucking the bug screen out of the way, she bounced forward and hugged him tight. It had been only two weeks.

"Hola Mama, it's good to see you." He stepped through the door and walked into the open plan house, where the grainy television roared away in the background. Elvira always had it on when she was cooking. She was never sad or angry. Her demeanour was jolly - always singing and dancing around the house.

Emilio emerged from the corridor, a beer already in his hand. "Hola Kyle. Grab yourself a cerveza." Kyle grabbed a beer and joined Emilio on the couch.

Out of nowhere, Elvira began coughing. A dry and scratchy cough. Once she managed to stop coughing, she was breathless.

Kyle scowled "¿Todos bien Mama?" His voice was laced with concern.

"Sí, sí chico. Nothing to worry about." Even if there was something wrong, Elvira wouldn't tell him.

Elvira stood up and clapped her hands. "Ok chicos, a la mesa." They shot to their feet and took a seat at the dinner table. Elvira made them all hold hands to pray before they could start eating. He humoured her and obeyed everytime, though he had no interest in religion.

Her eyes were screwed shut while she spoke her prayer. "Amen." Both he and Emilio began shovelling in forkfulls. Elvira took much smaller bites.

"So, Kyle." She took another bite. "What have you been up to?"

He swallowed down his mouthful. "Ah Mama, just the usual."

"You should get yourself a job chico. Something to get you out of that dirty apartment. Emilio, can't you get him a job at the docks with you?"

"No Mama, they only hire people who actually work."

Elvira scowled at Emilio. Kyle opened his mouth to object, but stopped himself. He was quite content without a job and he had enough money for now. Elvira did not know that though.

After dinner, he started to clear the table. Elvira slapped his hand when he tried to take the plates. "Go and sit down. I will do that."

Emilio snorted "She will never let you help Kyle. Stop trying." Kyle held his hands up in surrender. Emilio never offered. He'd lived with her long enough to know it was futile. There was no doubt that after so many years being spoiled at home, Emilio was a complete mama's boy. It was no surprise he hadn't found himself a wife yet when he had it so good already.

She hunched over the sink, cleaning the pots and dishes. The coughing started up again. Her whole body convulsed while she hacked and rasped, gasping for air between bouts.

"That's a real nasty cough you got there Mama."

"No es nada. It's all this dust around here." She brushed him off. Kyle frowned again. If there had been any dust, it wouldn't cause coughing that bad. It sounded like a smoker's cough but Elvira wasn't a smoker. She abhorred the habit because that was what killed her husband. Kyle was careful to never smoke around her.

He checked his watch. It was getting late and he had to meet Trudie soon. He stood up from the sofa, catching Elvira's attention when he reached the door.

"Are you leaving so soon chico?"

"Sorry Mama. I hate to eat and run, but I have a date tonight. I don't want to be late."

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