Chapter 40

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Kyle was pushed down into a metal chair inside a small room. His hands were bound behind him with cable ties and his wrists and ankles were strapped to the chair. Jorge was put in a chair next to him and tied up in the same way.

Pepe walked behind them. Kyle turned his head and could see a table with a leather tool roll on it.

The guards left and the door swung shut behind them, but it did very little to muffle the loud noises of the forges working in the refinery.

Pepe unravelled the tool roll and Kyle could hear the clink of metal. His eyes widened. He knew what was in the roll - he'd seen it before.

Pepe ran his fingers across his tools. "This is going to be fun."

Kyle struggled against his bonds, but there was no movement. He was stuck tight. Jorge turned to him and he could see the terror etched on his face and the beads of sweat on his brow.

Pepe chuckled. "Of course, you remember Eddy Vega, don't you."

First Pepe pulled out a surgical scalpel, probably the smallest implement in the bag. He walked in front of them holding up the scalpel and twisting it side to side, admiring the metal, which glinted in the light.

Without warning, in a sudden movement, he lunged forward and grabbed Jorge's shirt. With a swift motion he ran the scalpel down the fabric, slicing it open and exposing Jorge's tanned chest. Pepe stroked the scalpel across his bare torso, cutting lines. At first they did not appear deep, but then blood rose to the surface and dribbled down his chest.

Pepe returned the scalpel to the tool roll, placing it back with purposeful precision. Next he grabbed a robust pair of scissors, like tin snips. Jorge's face went pale and all the blood rushed away. Pepe resumed his position in front of Jorge, holding the scissors up to him, as if showing his victim the tool of his demise.

Jorge began to mutter under his breath and shake his head with wide, terrified eyes.

Kyle tried to twist himself free again in vane. "You sick fuck. Leave him alone."

Pepe did not react. It was as if Kyle was not even in the room. Pepe grabbed one of Jorge's fingers and held the tip in between the blades. Jorge now began to cry out, his earlier mumbles cleary a prayer to god to end this torture. An evil smile crossed Pepe's lips, then he let out a maniacal laugh.

Kyle rocked in his chair frantically. "Don't you dare. Stop you bastard."

Pepe stared hard into Jorge's eyes and his hand closed around the handle of the scissors. Jorge yelped. Kyle heard the bone crunch then saw his fingertip fall to the floor.

Emotions surged through him. Terror and anger mingled inside. He was helpless to stop the torture of his friend but he knew Pepe was only using Jorge to warm up. He would inflict far worse onto Kyle, but first he would make his sit and watch Jorge being torn apart piece by piece.

Pepe returned the scissors to the tool roll and pulled out the next tool. It was like he was showing what each one was capable of. This time he had picked out a meat cleaver. He leaned in close to Jorge's face and stroked the blade across his cheek.

Tears rolled down Jorge's face. He tried to pull it away from the blade but he could not get away from Pepe.

Kyle kept trying to shout at Pepe, but the man was in a trance. He was red in the face but Pepe kept ignoring him. He could see nothing else in the room but his victim.

Pepe knelt down and began to unlace Jorge's shoe, then pulled it off and flung it behind him. The sock followed the shoe into the corner of the room. Pepe's knuckles turned white around the handle of the cleaver. He held it high above his head.

Jorge's eyes scrunched shut and he turned his head away, calling out his prayer again. Pepe's hand swung down and the blade clanged against the concrete floor. Jorge screamed. Three of his toes were cleaved off half way down. Pepe chuckled again, then swung again, cutting the toes off at the base.

The cleaver was returned to the tool roll. Blood oozed from Jorge's maimed foot onto the floor. His breathing was laboured and his face twisted.

The next implement of torture was a long knife which curved out into a bulge at teh tip. Pepe's eyes scanned across Jorge's body, choosing the next area to disfigure or remove.

"Enough!" Kyle's throat was sore and his voice hoarse. It was pointless. Pepe seemed like he was in some kind of trance of fugue state.

Pepe took Jorge's left ear between his thumb and forefinger. With a delicate swiple, the knife parted his ear from his head. It was effortless. The knife was so sharp it was as if it melted through the flesh. Jorge did not realise until the delayed pain reached his head. He screamed again. Blood poured down his face.

Pepe tossed the ear aside, discarding it, then returned to the tool roll. This time he pulled out a rag and began cleaning his blades.

"It is important to look after your tools." The words were not addressed to anyone. He was talking to himself. When he turned he was clutching a short knife in his fist. His empty hand ran down Jorge's bloodied chest, smearing the blood. Then he slid the knife vertically down into Jorge's chest, between his pectoral muscle and ribs. With a careful cutting motion, he ran the knife around the muscle. Each cut forced a wail from Jorge.

Tears and blood now streamed down his face. There was blood splatter on Pepe's face, adorning the sedition grin and crazed eyes.

Once the muscle was parted from the body, Pepe squeezed it in his fist and blood oozed out, dripping onto the floor. He retrieved a boning knife next and thrust it into Jorge's forearm. Jorge yelped but not as loud. His strength was leaving him.

Pepe pulled the knife down through his forearm, parting the muscles from his wrist bones. His hand slipped into the wound he had made and his fingers wrapped around the bone. The flesh moved aside and Kyle could see the bone and viscera inside. He could feel himself becoming woosy.

Pepe went to the tool roll once again, returning with a bone saw.

Kyle's head was spinning. He knew the end was approaching for his friend. He'd already lost a lot of blood and endured so much pain. How much more could he be put through?

Jorge's head was slumped down and his eyes were wandering round the room.

He coughed. "Terminarlo."

Pepe cocked his head. "¿Que?"

"Terminarlo. Por favor."

Pepe moved to stand in front of him. "¿Si?" His hand reached to the back of his waist belt. The grin left Pepe's face and his expression turned blank. "Si."

Kyle saw the blur of a gun whip round. It paused for a moment in front of Jorge's head. Time slowed down. Kyle saw Pepe's finger squeeze around the trigger. He could do nothing but watch in slow motion. Then he heard the brief click.


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