Chapter 7

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Emilio's hand shot up to shield his eyes from the sun when he stepped out of the police station. Kyle said nothing. He walked up to his bike.

"Kyle. I–"

"Not here."

Emilio's head sank - he was ashamed of himself. It didn't matter to Kyle. He didn't think any less of his friend. They climbed on the back of his bike and he took Emilio home. Before turning down his street, Kyle pulled the bike over and killed the engine.

"Tell me what happened."

Emilio dropped his eyes to the floor. "It's stupid hombre."

"You're my brother Emilio." He put his hand on Emilio's shoulder. "I always got your back, but you gotta tell me with shit like this."

"Ok, ok." Emilio scratched the back of his hand. "I beat up some pendejo pretty bad. Left him close to death."

Kyle shook his head. "Why would you do that?"

"He assaulted Mama and robbed her in the streets. She's already sick."

"Why didn't you tell me? There are better ways to handle these things."

He knew there was something wrong at dinner. She had never coughed like that before. Now anger surged inside him hearing that she'd been robbed too. Life already dealt her a cruel hand.

"You know what she's like, hombre. She barely told me and she forbade me from telling you."

"I don't care. Next time, tell me and I'll handle it. Keep your hands clean."

Emilio nodded. He put his arms round Kyle and gave him a tight hug.

They walked the last hundred yards to Emilio's house. Elvira came running out with panic etched on her face. She was about to break into wailing and tears. Her hands flew up in the air, but Emilio caught her wrists and pulled them back to her sides.

"Mama, Mama, tranquillo. Todos bien."

"He's been gone all night Kyle. Went out for milk at ten o'clock! Where have you been, burro?"

She had a bruise on her face, which she'd tried to cover with makeup, but he could still tell. He'd seen his mum do the same several times when he was still a kid. He knew this was not a good time to stick around.

He waved. "Later Emilio. I'm heading off."

Emilio waved back. "Gracias again hermano. See you later."

What he needed now was a drink. Going to Hector's after being absent for so long would mean lots of questions. He wasn't in the mood for it. Castro's was a far better option.

The establishment was almost deserted. With several hours still to go until sundown, not many people were there. He took a spot at the bar and ordered himself a string of beers, whiling the rest of the day away. No one disturbed him. He was more shaken by the events earlier than he first realised and he was worried about Emilio. Hours passed at Castro's before he decided to head home. Stepping onto the strip it was dark, the sun now long gone from the sky.

He stepped under the light of a nearby lamp post and lit up a cigarette. The city was gloomy. The smoke of his cigarette pulled into his lungs; he was already craving another drink. Something stronger than beer.

"Oh my god, Little Kyle. Is that you?"

It sent a chill down his spine.

Surely it couldn't be?

He turned round and his jaw dropped. Angie. Only she looked so different. The moody dark eyes he remembered were gone, and she had cut her hair into a long bob. Her feminine figure was hugged by a teal dress. She looked so mature.

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