prologue 🌙

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"jeez, xiao, you really need to learn to be more tidy

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"jeez, xiao, you really need to learn to be more tidy..."

you quickly fix his tie, as he looks at you expressionless.

"you can button your blazer yourself, right?" you ask sarcastically. you look up at him to see him raise an eyebrow.

"yes, i can. but.."


"...i choose not to. it's too hot."

"haah?! but xiao, you're gonna get in trouble!"

"for not buttoning up a blazer? the classrooms are too hot anyways.."

"that's true, but...!"

"it's fine, y/n. it looks less tacky unbuttoned anyways."

xiao finally ends the conversation of uniform policy, running a hand through his hair.

"whatever you say, xiao.." you sigh, fixing your skirt before walking to school with him.

you could feel the windy breeze start to pass by the both of you as you walked down the sidewalk.

you look over at xiao, who didn't seem very fazed by it. in fact, he never seemed to be fazed by anything, including the wind.

you on the other hand weren't as ignorant as him...

"'s really chilly, huh xiao? well, these winds always pass by for a couple of days before spring comes around, i guess..." you remark, shivering as you scrunch up, feeling chilly.

xiao seems to notice you severely shivering though, as he suddenly takes quick action.


he quickly wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you closer to his side. the sudden touch made you quietly yelp in shock.

"you should really look out for yourself more." he gently says, as the gap between the both of you was quickly closed by him. however, the lack of space helped warm you up.

you look over at xiao to see him looking the other way, with an ever so slight blush on his cheeks.

"...i'll try. thanks for always looking out for me, xiao." you smile, clutching his right arm which made him blush even more.

"d...don't keep holding onto my arm once we enter campus, idiot."

looking out for you ; xiao x reader (modern au)Where stories live. Discover now