sleepover 🌙

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"xiao, is it alright if i come over?"

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"xiao, is it alright if i come over?"


you had asked xiao at lunchtime if it was okay with him for you to go over to his place to study. there was an upcoming exam in a subject that you weren't exactly confident in.

a bit unpleased to see he didn't hear you at first, you leaned over the table and lightly whispered in his ear,

"i said, is it alright if i go over to your place? y'know, to study for the test?"

he flinches, looking at you with a nasty stare and a huge blush on his face. he quickly however restrains himself and grumbled at you.

"you didn't need to whisper that in my ear, you-you know...fine, if it's just for an hour or two." he replies, quickly looking back at his bento before continuing to eat it.

"awesome! i'll be joining you after school, then." you answer with a childish grin on your face. xiao looked a bit unpleased while also looking flustered at the same time.

"yeah, sure..."



you wave to him, exiting the school building. in response to you shouting his name, he looks over to you, shutting his book.

"ready to go?" he asks, checking the time on his phone.

"ready when you are!" you smile, walking with him by his side outside the school gates.

however, you couldn't help notice the small crowds of students staring at the both of you. you had forgotten xiao was getting a bit popular in your class.

"why are they leaving together?"

"you think they're dating?"

"what?! no way!"

"they might just be childhood friends or something..."

"what's that...girl doing with him?"

you try your best to ignore the chatter, keeping your head low in shame as you gripped the strap of your bag tighter.


you hear a voice next to you call your name, as if they were asking something. you look up and see a familiar face. it was xiao, of course.

"ye-yeah? what is it?" you immediately grin at him, asking why he said your name.

"it's obvious. the expression of guilt is written all over your face." he bluntly says, catching you by surprise. you look at him in sadness.

"i'm...i'm sorry. i..."

you were at a loss for words.


"just ignore them."

your eyes widen at what he said.

"i care more about you than...than any of them. you're more important to me. so just...just ignore them. they don't know what they're talking about." he added, looking out into the distance instead of your face.

you were a bit relieved to know he wasn't looking at you, though. cause man, you'd be embarrassed if he was looking at you dead in the eyes while saying that.

you couldn't have felt more happier than that moment walking down the sidewalk to his house. you may have even wiped away a small tear forming in the corner of your eye.

with your cheeks covered in blush, both from embarrassment and from shock, you suddenly held onto xiao's arm.

"wh-huh...? why are you...?"

"don't ask, idiot.." you cut him off, holding his arm tighter. he sighs but doesn't pull away. after all, he may have been secretly enjoying your touch.

"you don't realize what you just happy it just made me." you lowly whisper to yourself, hoping he didn't hear anything.


"phew, almost...done..." you groan, exhausted from all of the reading and writing you had done just for this test.

"y/n, it's midnight. don't you think you should...get some rest?" xiao asks before letting out a yawn. he couldn't lie, he was just a little bit frustrated you ended up staying at his place for the night. an hour or two ended up turning into a whole night.

"!! are you crazy, xiao?! i need to...ugh...ace this test...otherwise..." you tiredly respond, but to no avail before immediately passing out.

"why didn't i stop this...i had a feeling this would happen." xiao sighed. he hesitated for a minute or two, checking if you were still awake before picking you up and carrying you to his bed.

he slowly brought the covers up to your shoulders, hoping you wouldn't mind sleeping in your school uniform. he quickly slipped on a new shirt before taking the empty spot next to you.

"jeez, you idiot...i'll bet you're not gonna ace that test tomorrow just because you stayed up all night.." xiao joked, wearily stroking your head before dozing off to sleep next to you.

"good night, y/n."


it was now morning, and the sun was slowly rising. you take your time to get up, and realize you weren't alone in your bed....

wait, your bed?

no, that doesn't sound right...

you tiredly rub your eyes with your free hand and look over to your side. you were hugging something—no, someone-with your other arm.

you recognize a familiar head of teal colored hair, as your eyes quickly widen.

"xi..xiao...?!?!" you blurt out, instantly covering your mouth with your hand. however, you had already woken him up. he was laying on his side so both of you were facing each other.

when his eyes slowly opened, they quickly widened as well once he saw your face. with your hand still over your mouth, you were basically as red as a tomato. you resisted the urge to scream.

"y...y/n? wait, what..?! this doesn't make—"

just as he was about to finish his sentence, a moment of realization hit him. he remembered vaguely what had happened last night: you went over to his place to 'study', you ended up staying until midnight, then he tucked you into bed...

"...y/n, did anything happen while i was asleep?" xiao suddenly asked, while you were trying your best to regain composure.

" oh, um, i'm not sure..but i could ask you the same thing for last night. what...what happened?" you answered him with the same question, as he sighed and sat up.

"it's...a long story."


needless to say, after all of yesterday's and today's events, you didn't ace the test. 

sorry for slow updates 😭😭😭🙏 will try my best to stay on task for this fanfic!!

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