fresh air 🌙

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you didn't exactly feel like going to class

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you didn't exactly feel like going to class

this afternoon. something was on your mind, but you weren't exactly sure what was consuming your thoughts.

"i need some fresh air...and some time to think to myself." you whisper to yourself, immediately heading for the school rooftop.

as you slowly and quietly went up the stairs, you could feel yourself hesitate before opening the door.

...why am i hesitating?

you finally snap the thoughts out of your head and open the door. you scan the roof to see a familiar head of teal hair. recognizing the person was xiao, you quickly walk over to him.

"why are you here?"

he was on the school rooftop all alone. he had asked you a question, yet you didn't feel bothered at all to answer it. instead, you just asked him the same thing.

"why are you here? shouldn't you be in guitar class?" you questioned, raising an eyebrow at him. he looks back at the fence with an unbothered look.

"...i just needed some fresh air." he replied, refusing to glance over at you. you frowned a little as you walked over and stood next to him, looking at him.

it wasn't long before he turned to look back at you, a bit embarrassed from you staring at him.

"why are you staring at me?"


"stop lying."

"back at you." you smiled at him.

"i just...didn't feel like going to class today." he sighed, running a hand through his hair. however, you looked at him seriously and grabbed his hand, motioning him to tell you what he was worried about.

"...the same goes for me. are you sure, though? do you want to talk about it?" you confirm, still curious about what was on his mind.


you look at him questionably.

"a-about the other day...with me grabbing your hand..."

your eyes widen as a blush slowly takes over your face.

"y..yeah? what about it?" you ask, quickly trying to avoid his gaze.

"was that...okay with you?" he suddenly asks, his voice trailing off into silence as he becomes uneasy.

" was okay with me.." you blurt out, clasping your hands over your mouth in embarrassment over what you just said to him.

"really?" he asks once again, wanting to make sure he didn't make you uncomfortable.

"i....yes, i'm su-"

you were cut off by the sound of footsteps on the stairs leading to the rooftop. you and xiao flinched, your eyes widening as you both looked over to the entrance.

you panicked as you froze in place, too scared to move. however, xiao acted quick, not wanting you guys to get caught. without any hesitation, he quickly grabbed your hand again, leading you to the spot behind the entrance door right before it opened.

you squeezed your eyes shut in fear as you felt a hand cover your mouth to keep you from making any noise.

"who's out here skipping classes?"

you heard the monitor open the door and step out into the open, holding the door with her right hand.

however, you couldn't concentrate on her.

the only thing you could concentrate on was the fact xiao was holding you close to him in his arms. his right arm was circled around your waist and his left covered your mouth.

you felt dizzy, distracted, and flustered from what had just happened in the short time of a couple seconds. your head felt hot and you were still curious as to what xiao was thinking, especially right in this moment.

it was certainly an uncomfortable position, however, you didn't feel exactly uncomfortable. maybe...even the opposite.

a strong gust of wind then flew by, making you shiver. xiao could feel you freezing up. hoping not to make you more uncomfortable, he slowly hugged you closer and removed his hand from your mouth, trusting you wouldn't make a sound.

"urgh, the wind really is strong today..." the teacher said, rubbing her shoulders in exaggeration. she then quickly went back inside, as both you and xiao waited for the noise of the door closing.

right when it came, you both let out an instant sigh of relief. you could feel his breath on your neck, which made you flinch a little bit.

"are...are you okay?" he asked, slowly letting you go. he had realized how tight he was hugging you and rubbed his neck, flustered.

"y-yeah, i think so..." you replied, not being able to breathe properly. that situation was too much for you!

"i apologize, it was sudden...i wasn't expecting a hall monitor to come here so quickly." he shamefully uttered, his eyes half-lidded.

"it's alright. thanks for being so considerate, xiao." you warmly smiled as you faced him, making his heart flutter. his eyes widened once again looking at you. he wanted a moment to just look at you and admire you.

"why do so much?" he asks out of the blue. you look at him in confusion.

"why? is it annoying?" you ask sadly, tilting your head, "sorry, i'll stop-"

"it's...bad for my health." he replies. you could him slip a smile on his face, as he leaned back on the wall and looked the other way.

" what do you mean by that?" you ask, cluelessly. he looks back at you, a bit taken back that he had to spell it out for you, but then returns back to his smile.

"your smile is...very beautiful."


looking out for you ; xiao x reader (modern au)Where stories live. Discover now