call out my name 🌙

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"a...stalker?" xiao asked, as his eyes

widened at you. the past few days, you've felt a bit uncomfortable. you swore you could feel a pair of eyes on you every second of the day, no matter which class you were in.

"well, i'm not sure...i haven't really checked into it myself, since i'm too scared. but recently it feels like...i'm being watched." you explained to him, eyes wandering around the room as they eventually ended up on the floor.

"why didn't you tell me this the first day you felt this? well, no matter. y/n, listen,"

he puts both his hands on your shoulders and pulls you closer to him.

"if anybody even tries to lay a finger on you, i'll be there to protect you. just call out my name."

you look at him, a little embarrassed that he said such a bold thing to you. both of your cheeks turn a light shade of pink, but you were thankful that you had xiao to protect you.

"ah-alright then...thank you, xiao." you smile, as he takes both of his hands off your shoulders. you could see he was slightly blushing, but you decided to just ignore it.


lunch had just started, right after math ended. still feeling uneasy, you quickly packed your backpack and headed to the cafeteria.

every step you took and every minute that passed on your way made you feel shifty. you could still feel the person—the stalker keeping their steady eyes on you.

you clutched onto your backpack straps harder until your knuckles turned white. you were about to look over your shoulder, just to get a glimpse of who or what may be stalking you, but before you could, you felt a hand on your shoulder quickly pull you to an empty corner of the school.

your eyes instantly shut tightly. as you opened them, you saw an unfamiliar face staring at yours. nothing could've felt more uncomfortable and horrifying than this very moment. you wanted to scream, but the urge in your stomach told you not to, otherwise he might hurt you.

"you've never seen me before, have you?" he asked, your face going pale. you've never seen this person in your life, so why were they so fixated on you?!

"n-no, i haven't...!" you yelp, trying to move your fists. but the stalker had restrained you by holding your wrists up to the wall. your hands were shaking.

"well, before i tell you my name, let me tell you why i've brought you here. y/n, i want to tell you..." the stranger replies, as he brings his face closer to yours.

your eyes widened as he was coming closer. no, no, you didn't want this at all. how could this have happened?! too many thoughts were going through your head all at once, but only one remained clear—

"XIAO!!" you screamed, hoping he could hear you. hoping anybody could hear you. you needed help, and xiao said he'd be there to protect you, so where was he? you had no choice but to scream his name for help.

however, almost instantly after your cry for help, you saw a shadow quickly sprinting towards you, their hand reaching for yours.

everything happened in a flash as you felt yourself being grabbed by a familiar hand. xiao was there, immediately pulling you out of the stalker's grasp and into his, holding you close to his waist. he pushed the stalker away, up to the wall.

"...just what do you think you're doing to her?" xiao lowly asks, holding you closer to him as your eyes look up into his and widen. he had come to save you.

the stalker was at a loss for words, but not for long as he was quick to make a sharp remark.

"wh-what do you think you're doing?! i was going to confe—"

before they could say another word of their sentence, xiao gently lets go of you and kicks his foot up to the wall harshly, hands in his pockets, glaring the stalker down as if he were mere garbage.

"if you're going to confess to a girl, maybe consider the first step, which is introducing yourself to her. well, once i'm done with you, you won't be able to introduce yourself to any more girls with that ruined face of yours." xiao sharply says, putting the stalker into a fearful state.

"w-wha!? no, please! i'll never lay a hand on her ever again! please! i'm begging you, spare my life!" he pleads, getting on his knees pathetically. xiao removes his foot from the wall and sighs, still looking down at the man.

xiao looks at him before looking back at you for a response to his plea. you look back at him confused, but then go up to the man. he looks up at you before you firmly slap him right in the face, as he lays his head down. your slap left an imprint of your hand on his face.

xiao's eyes widened just a little at what you done to the stalker, but he wasn't very bothered by it. he deserved it.

"never do that to any girl, ever again! now leave me alone, and be ashamed for what you did!" you shout at him, before turning your back and walking away. you look back at xiao who was staring right into your eyes. he adjusts his backpack, leaving the stalker behind. he steals one last glance at him, before looking at you and catching up.

"he got what he deserved." you uttered, pouting.

"yeah. i'm...really sorry. i almost wasn't in time to be there to protect you. if i hadn't made it, i would've never forgiven myself." xiao apologizes, looking down at the floor in discomfort.

"n-no, it's okay! i'm...really thankful you were there to save me. thank you, xiao." you blurted, as he looked at you with care in his eyes. he smiled before looking the other way. you look at him with curiosity in your eyes, but the next thing you knew, he had held his hand in yours. you didn't even realize before you looked down.

he had probably looked the other way because he was too embarrassed to hold your hand while looking at you. especially while other people may have been looking. but that didn't matter to you.

you smiled warmly before gripping his hand tighter. you felt his hand shift in shock, but then hold yours tighter as well.

you were grateful that you had xiao there to protect you when you called out his name.

OGMTO new 2.7 event quest gave me a heart attack for xiao but it's all fine now LMFAO 😭😭🙏

thank you so much for reading!! have an amazing rest of your day/night ❤️

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