only you 🌙

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"look, the two of them are together again! do you seriously think they're dating?"

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"look, the two of them are together again! do you seriously think they're dating?"

"urgh, this is all because of that stupid accident..." you sigh, embarrassed recounting the events that happened the other day. it was super crowded during the festival, and you ended up falling and tripping...on xiao, of all things or people!

"just ignore them." xiao replied, running a hand through his hair like he always did to fix it. however, you knew it was a habit of his to do that when he was saying something flustering.

you look at him, and he was failing to maintain eye contact with you. his cheeks kept going pink every time he looked you straight in the eye.

"i'm sorry, it-it's just really hard to..." you apologize, stammering. seeing his expression only just made you more distracted.

"well, that's understandable."


"xiao! is it really true you're dating y/n?"

"seriously?! i thought he'd be dating someone else, least of all his childhood friend."

"childhood friend? where'd you hear that from?"

"aagh, she's so luckyy! i wish i was dating such a cool guy like him!"

"you don't think they are, right?"

poor xiao. his head was starting to hurt from all the questions bombarding him during lunchtime. there were too many people, he was even struggling to get to the table you both planned sitting at today. 

"hey, get out of my way, i'm trying to-"

"psst! xiao!"

you sneak up behind him through the swarm of people, quickly grabbing his hand and making a run for it.

he seems shocked, as you drag him through the hallways with so many people staring at you guys as you zoomed by. past the classrooms, up the stairs, up more stairs, until the both of you finally reached the rooftop.

letting go of his hand, you go to open the door that accessed the school roof. the warmth from your hand still lingered in his. he missed it, even if it was just for a minute or two.

you were pleasantly surprised to see nobody eating on the rooftop.

"...ah! perfect! there's nobody here! let's eat, xiao!" you excitedly walk up to the bench, taking your place on it and opening your lunch bag. xiao takes a seat next to you.

"you're still wearing your blazer? are none of the teachers scolding you for wearing it?" you notice, lightly tugging on the sleeve.

"'s cold without my blazer." he coldly answers, taking a bite from his bento.

looking out for you ; xiao x reader (modern au)Where stories live. Discover now