jealous...or just overprotective? 🌙

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"tartaglia, you can go sit next to y/n

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"tartaglia, you can go sit next to y/n."

the teacher points to you as you look at her, oblivious. you were fading both in and out of consciousness, since you didn't get much sleep last night.

you see a tall ginger-haired boy next to her, as he nods and walks up to you, smiling. he takes a seat in the empty desk next to you.

"please, call me childe! also, nice to meet you, y/n." he smirks, catching a wink at you. you look at him flustered, then look at xiao, who was sitting behind you in class.

let's just say, he didn't look very amused.

"ahh...hi. nice to meet you as well, are you—um—new here, by any chance?" you ask childe, as he sets his textbook on the table.

"why, i am. is there a problem?" he replies cheekily, sharpening his pencil while looking straight into your eyes.

"oh, erm, not really. i just didn't recognize you, and you seem pretty tall for a sophomore..." you nervously sweat. he seemed friendly, but he had this aura that seemed a bit...questionable.

"haha, everyone says that! you're funny, comrade. we should talk some more, during lunch—"

"mr. tartaglia? do i already have to split up you and y/n, since you seem to be loving each other's company?"

you could hear the class's teasing; the "oooh"s filling the room as you slumped in your chair in silence, embarrassed.

"there's no need for that, mrs. miko! i'll try to be a bit more quiet now, y/n." he comments, whispering an apology to you before focusing on his own schoolwork.

you sighed. this was gonna be trouble....


"argh, what's up with that guy?" you groan, tired from all of childe's shenanigans he had been causing in the classroom.

xiao just stayed silent, walking next to you as you both headed for the cafeteria.

"i mean, seriously! first, he loses his pencil. next, he asks to borrow my notes. and last of all, he-"

"y/n! let's eat lunch together! oh, who's this?"

speak of the devil. tartaglia had now just appeared right before your eyes, with a familiar face being dragged along next to him.

"...invites me to eat lunch with him. i mean-! oh, this is xiao! he's...uh..."

you look at him as he stares back at you. why were you hesitating? you guys were just friends, right? so why?

why did you suddenly feel the urge to call him your boyfriend?

looking out for you ; xiao x reader (modern au)Where stories live. Discover now