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01 | HE IS A ... SPONGE ... IN PANTS?

Never in all her time of being alive, did Cassie Hunter ever think that she would be babysitting her niece and nephew. Granted, she never thought she'd even be lucky to live this long. 

Yet here she was, watching fondly over them as they clicked away on their game controllers, their tongues sticking out with matching faces in concentration as they stared intently at the tv screen, racing some cars. 

Elias made his way over to the couch, plopping himself down next to his sister with a bowl of chips in his hands. Cassie turned to him, stealing some from the bowl, much to his dismay. 

"Nooooo!" Charlie wailed as her car spun. 

Luke jumped up, fist bumping the air joyfully. "Hah! I won!" 

"No fair! You cheated!" 

The ten year old boy had an offended look on his face. "I did not! I won fair and square, you're just a sore loser." 

"I am not!" 

"You are!" 

Elias and Cassie both watched them quietly as they bickered once again for the hundredth time, too tired to interfere this time. Thankfully, it was cut off when Percy and Annabeth finally arrived home after getting the groceries and takeout for dinner. 

"Hey guys!" Percy greeted, juggling the heavy grocery bags in his hands that Cassie soon helped him out with, much to his pleasure. 

"Dad!" Both Luke and Charlie ran over to him and hugged him, well in the five year old's case, hugged his legs. 

Percy grinned, ruffling their hairs as they let go. "You guys didn't annoy Uncle Eli and Aunt Cas, right?" 

"Nope!" The two kids mirrored their father's grin, shaking their heads. 

The three then turned their heads in Elias's direction for confirmation who raised his eyebrow as Luke and Charlie stared at him with pleading eyes. "Oh, these two were absolutely great." 

Luke smiled. "See, dad. We were fineee." 

"Hmm. Now, why don't you two wash your hands while we set up dinner, okay?" 

The two saluted him playfully before running off, leaving Percy to shake his head fondly as he made his way over to the kitchen where Cassie was helping Annabeth out set the takeout pizza for dinner. 

"Thank you for taking care of them," Annabeth said gratefully. 

Cassie smiled. "Anytime. We love spending time with them." 

Soon Percy called the kids, informing them that dinner was ready. Luke and Charlie both cheered as they quickly made their way over to the table. 

The table was rectangular, two chairs on each side, and one on each end. Annabeth took a chair on Cassie's right. Charlie sat on one end next to Annabeth, with Luke on her left beside Percy. And Elias sat at the other end of the table, in between Cassie and Percy. 

Percy went for the cheese sticks right away, swiping them right before Luke could. 

"Save some for me!" Luke begged frantically as Percy shovelled them on his plate. 

Percy gave his popular smirk, peering over at his son. "I'm gonna eat them all! There'll be none left for you, you punk." 

Luke broke out in a large grin as he grabbed at the sticks. "No! I'm going to eat all of them before you get any!" 

They continued their banter with Elias, Annabeth and Cassie smiling at them from across the table while Charlie was working hard on trying to gulp down all of her apple juice in one chug. 

The rest of the dinner carried on peacefully as usual. After they finished dinner, Elias was sprawled out on the couch, legs propped up on one armrest and head on the other. His arms were folded comfortably underneath his head as he watched the strange sponge walk across the screen. 

Charlie was situated on the floor. She laid on her stomach, her feet kicking up and down with a smile on her face. Percy and Cassie were finishing up drying the dishes, although the two were focusing on the television as well. 

Meanwhile, Luke sat across the couch, clicking away at some game on his Nintendo as he peeked over at the show while Annabeth had gone in her room. 

"The krusty krab pizza! Is the pizza! For you and me!" The character sang. 

"I don't get it," Elias stated simply. 

Charlie ignored him, singing along. 

"You wouldn't," Percy commented from the kitchen. 

"What is it?" Cassie asked, furrowing her eyebrows. 

"Spongebob Squarepants," Percy answered casually, swiping the towel over a plate. 

"Huh?" None of this was clearing anything up for the twins, at all. While they were getting with the times, they were still new to a lot of things. "He is a ... sponge?" 

"Uh huh." 

"In pants ...?" 


"And his friend is a starfish ...?" 


"So they're underwater?" 

Percy chuckled. "That's the idea, yeah." 

Elias paused, staring as the sponge's face became horribly deformed and he shouted the last lyrics of the song. His brow crinkled once more. 

"Then how is there pizza?" Elias questioned while Cassie nodded in understanding. 

Percy chuckled and then halted suddenly. The two glanced up at their half-brother to find that he had stopped his drying and had a face that matched the two's confused ones as well. 

"Huh. I, uh ... I never really thought about that ..." 

"Let's not send each other down a rabbit role," Annabeth stated as she walked back into the living room, breaking the three out of their thoughts. "The only thing that makes sense out of SpongeBob is that it makes no sense." 

"Now, come on, Luke, Charlie, it's time for bed." 

Groans were heard from the two but they soon obliged, saying goodbyes to everyone before running off to brush their teeth, leaving the four adults alone as they all soon sat peacefully in the living room.

"You know, it sometimes honestly feels like a dream that we're sitting here with no gods constantly annoying us every ten seconds," Percy stated.

He grabbed Annabeth's hand with a fond smile and gently squeezed it, the two sharing a loving look while Elias and Cassie exchanged glances, a small smile forming on their faces.

"Well, we all deserve it for saving the world countless times," Annabeth replied.

Elias and Cassie nodded. "That we sure do."

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