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A sigh escaped Kate's lips as she glanced around with a bored expression plastered across her face. Many couples filled the ballroom, dancing the night away to the music that echoed through the air with their partners while others stood around the corner, chatting away pleasantly.

Lia and Yelena had left the archer's side for a dance, and the rest of the avengers were also on the dance floor dancing with their respective partners, leaving Kate standing in a corner, feeling incredibly single.

Usually Peter was there to cheer her up, the two being the single best friends, but tonight he wasn't here so she was all alone. Settling she was here long enough, she gazed across the ballroom, her eyes landing on the exit.

The raven-haired archer made her way towards it, trying to escape the party unnoticed, the click of her heels sounding faint to ears compared to synchronised footsteps that echoed through the air.

Kate was so focused on trying to lose herself in the crowd to escape, being completely unaware of the end of one of her heels getting caught in a slightly crooked tile, catching her by surprise and causing her to trip over.

Before her face had the chance to encounter the smooth, expensive beige floor in front of her, a pair of arms snaked around her waist in a protective manner, stopping her fall mid-air in one swift movement.

"Woah, wouldn't want a pretty person like you face-planting in front of everyone now, would we, darling?"

Kate heard an angelic voice, tilting her head and came face to face with her saviour, a look of shock plastered on her face before a faint blush spread across her cheeks when their gazes met.

Bright sky blue eyes met charming hazel-gold eyes, ones that glowed an entrancing golden shade under the light, reminding her of the warmth of an everlasting hearth, as if they were the wood that could burn with golden flames yet be forever perfectly entire.

​​"Are you alright?" The male asked, breaking Kate out of her stupor who realised that she was still in his arms and the closeness between them.

"Huh, err, yes," the purple archer stammered out, trying to compose herself and quickly making some distance between the two. "Thank you."

The male saviour was dressed in a sharp-looking and well-fitted midnight black suit which also brought out those entrancing eyes of his that you could get lost into. His dark hair fell perfectly in a messy style that made him look even more stunning.

His suit was exquisitely cut and a perfect match for his suave manners. It made him look breathtaking, and when he smiled kindly at Kate, it was a little bit magical.

"I'm Elias," he introduced himself with the most charming smile Kate had seen. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss ..."

He patiently waited for her response, as she quickly broke out of her trance again.

"Uh, Kate. Kate Bishop," she replied, internally cursing her awkwardness.

"Well, may I have this dance, Miss Bishop?" Elias asked, an unrecognisable glint in his golden eyes, before holding his hand out to the archer. "Forget about everything, and dance with me."

Kate's heart fluttered in that second. She didn't know if it was because of that warm smile of his or the way he offered with those words of his, but she found herself accepting Elias's hand without a second thought.

The music changed, and the tri-blood grabbed the archer's hand firmly as the two began to waltz, spinning and circles and shuffling their feet to the slow, rhythmic music that echoed through the air, blending in with the other couples.

The archer was entranced by the male before her, not realising that the music had changed until their paces quickened. It was hard to keep up with Elias's quick, flowing steps, yet he somehow noticed it, his grip tightening on Kate's hand as he gave it a comforting squeeze which made Kate's heart skip another beat.

He was alert, his golden eyes scanning the floor ahead of him, keeping an eye on the rest of the couples and everyone else around him, yet he was constantly aware of what was happening right in his arms at the same time.

The music suddenly changed its pace again, though this time, it was a very slow and relaxing song. Elias smirked at Kate slightly, pulling the archer's body closer to his who could feel her cheeks burning and knew she was blushing while his smile only grew.

The two danced together, their bodies close, with his hand still grasping the archer's. Elias turned elegantly, his body in tune with the slow music. Yet, there was a sort of harshness to him, like he was someone who shouldn't be underestimated.

Though Kate didn't quite care at the moment.

The warmth between the two grew more powerful by the second. In that moment, the music felt faint in Kate's ears who was more focused on the person before her, their gazes locked, and their steps and heartbeats perfectly in sync.

It all felt perfect to her.

The song felt like it lasted forever, yet neither of them were tired from it. The sound of the music went even slower, the lights slowly fading. The dark-haired male leaned forward towards Kate's ear and the archer could feel his hot breath on her neck, causing a shiver to run down her spine.

"It was nice dancing with you," he whispered, a smirk on his face. "I hope we cross paths again, partner."

And with that, he excused himself, disappearing into the crowd in seconds, leaving the raven-haired archer alone to herself in a blushing mess, a fond, goofy smile now formed on her face as she broke out of her daze.

Maybe coming to this party wasn't so bad after all.

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