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Wanda's emerald eyes shot wide in horror, a moment too late as she watched the demon plunge a dagger straight through Cassie's heart. The witch quickly threw her arms forward, her eyes glowing red as wisps of magic shot out of her palms and blasted the demon away from the tri-blood.

The demon snapped his attention to her, recovering quickly from the blow. His demonic red eyes zeroed on her, a growl escaping his lips before lunging at her. Wanda barely had the time to bring her hands up to make a protective barrier around her.

More demons formed around him, enforcing his attacks while Wanda's magic barrier began to waver from every strike that was inflicted on it. The leader demon soon slammed into the barrier, successfully breaking through.

Wanda was suddenly punched in the ribs, sending her flying back a few metres away from the force. She let out a groan, her eyes snapping to him as he glared at her, making his way towards her.

She tried to throw any nearby broken furniture at him but was shocked to find it go right through him like he was a ghost. He smirked, raising his arm up as huge sharp claws grew out of his fingertips.

"I'm going to enjoy snacking on a mortal," he hissed pleasingly.

Wanda staggered back from him, her heartbeat increasing rapidly as her back made contact with the wall behind her while he brought his sharp-clawed hand down on her. She shut her eyes and braced herself for the pain but it never came.

A tan hand grabbed onto the demon's arm tightly, halting his punch mid-air. The pale monster turned his head towards the person who stopped him, his fearful red eyes meeting dangerous golden ones.

"Now that's no way to treat a lady, is it now?" Cassie asked in a calm but deadly tone, her eyebrow raised in a questionable manner.

The demon was too terrified to reply with the tri-blood in front of him, smirking dangerously at him with a powerful, unpredictable glint in her fierce golden eyes glaring into his own ones.

Cassie's hold on his arm tightened every second, a sickening crack echoing as the demon howled in pain before throwing him roughly across the room. He let out a groan as he rolled to his side.

Before he had the chance to comprehend what had happened, Cassie was in front of him, grabbing him violently by the collar and yanking him forward, their faces inches apart from one another.

"How are you-"

"Still alive?" Cassie supplied with a sadistic grin. "You should know it takes a lot more than that to get rid of tri-blood."

She heaved him up before slamming his back against the wall, her hold on him unwavering as she glared at him. "Now, how is Samael still alive?"

The demon had the audacity to chuckle despite in her threatening hold. "You should know it takes a lot more than that to get rid of the prince of demons himself."

Cassie clenched her jaw, emitting a low growl at the manipulation of her words before mercilessly snapping his neck as he exploded into a cloud of golden dust. She turned her head towards Wanda to find another demon lunging after the witch avenger.

She quickly sped over, snapping his neck skillfully as it disintegrated, spraying dust over herself once again and over Wanda. Cassie turned her attention towards the dark-brown haired witch in front of her, offering her a hand.

Her suit was tainted with her dried blood and golden dust which was also sprayed over her messy dark hair. Yet her perfect suave manners made her look breathtaking, and when she smiled kindly at Wanda, it was a little bit magical.

"You alright, love?" Her voice was like music to the witch's ears.

Wanda stared at the tri-blood saviour standing in front of her, entrapped by her presence before finally accepting her hand as she was pulled to her feet. Even with the golden dust smeared on Wanda's face and hair, Cassie had to admit she was beautiful.

"Yeah," Wanda breathed out. "Thank you."

"Anytime," Cassie replied. "And thank you for drawing them away from me."

Wanda nodded in response before a frown appeared on her face. "But how ..."

Cassie smirked, an unrecognisable glint in her golden sea-green eyes. "I'm a tri-blood, sweetheart, I cannot be killed. Especially not by some mere mortal dagger."

Before Wanda had the chance to reply, someone was thrown into a wall right next to them, the two snapping their attention towards the dark-haired nephilim who groaned and rubbed the back of her head.

"Lia!" Wanda exclaimed worriedly, running to her side. "Are you okay?"

"Peachy," Lia replied, flashing Wanda a smile, and getting to her feet with her help. "Thank you."

The young nephilim finally acknowledged the tri-blood's presence, her eyes shooting wide as she tried to remain calm. This was not how she pictured their first interaction.

"Uh, hi," Lia said, internally cursing at her awkwardness as she held her hand out for a handshake. "It's an honour to meet you ... despite the circumstances."

Cassie smiled, accepting her handshake. "The pleasure is all mine, and it's nice to officially meet you, Herondale."

Lia's eyes widened in surprise and confusion, forcing herself not to fangirl at the fact that the Cassandra Hunter knew who she was ... but how?

"You look exactly like your father, just a female version of him," Cassie stated, answering her unasked question.

"You knew him?" Lia asked, failing to hide her surprise.

"Yes, of course." Cassie nodded with a sad smile. "Ezrael was a great friend."

"Wow, I-" Lia was cut off.


The elder tri-blood turned around at her brother's voice, seeing him make his way towards her, also covered in golden dust. "Have you seen Percy and Annabeth?"

Cassie shook her head. "No, I have no clue."

Elias frowned before catching sight of Lia and Wanda, opening his mouth to speak when the ground below them rumbled slightly, throwing both Wanda and Lia off balance while the Hunters stood their ground.

"Looks like that answers our question, brother."

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