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Lia had never felt so nervous in her life ... well except the times she'd almost died and continuously gave Yelena heart attacks, receiving many kick to the shins from the blonde which was most definitely eventful.

Yet here the nephilim was, pacing nervously in a corner of the huge party Tony had thrown, dressed in an elegant beige pantsuit. The huge mansion soon began to fill up as time passed, and it didn't help calm her nerves, her hand clutched tightly as it rested on the tabletop next to her.

Yelena watched her in slight worry, placing her hand on top of Lia's, and felt her release its tension. "Everything's going to be fine, quit worrying."

Lia turned to the blonde. "What if it doesn't?"

"It will. From what you've told me, they're great people. Maybe they'll set aside everything that's happened in the past, and you can finally interact with someone from the same kind. Shouldn't you look forward to that?" Yelena asked, reassuring her.

Lia found herself smiling. "Thank you. Never knew you were so good at giving pep talks."

Yelena playfully punched her shoulder. "Shut up, I'm great at everything."

Lia chuckled. "Sure you are."

"Looks like you guys are having fun," Kate called out with a grin, walking over to them.

The raven-haired archer was dressed in a stunning purple suit, contrasting with the emerald green one Yelena wore and Lia's own beige one, her dark hair pulled up in a ponytail.

"If you consider watching Herondale here nervously pacing around in circles is fun, then yeah, it sure is," Yelena replied sarcastically while Lia rolled her eyes.

"So, have they arrived?" Kate asked curiously, glancing around. "I've still yet to meet the powerful family that kicked the Avengers' asses with ease."

"Not yet ... that's if they even turn up," Lia stated.

"Is Parker not coming?" Yelena questioned, glancing around the crowd of people as well.

Kate shook her head. "Nope, said he had a lot of homework to catch up on. Told us to have fun though."

Lia nodded with a small smile. "That sounds like him."

Hundreds of people were now gathered at the party, all dressed in expensive clothing and dancing the night away to the music that echoed to the air, while many others stood around the corner, chatting away pleasantly.

And after around an hour, the Jackson-Hunter family finally made their grand entrance. Almost everyone stopped whatever they were doing, their eyes instantly fixating on the four that had entered the mansion.

The three siblings, Percy, Elias and Cassie, were all dressed in sharp-looking and well-fitted black suits, their dark hairs falling perfectly in a messy style while Annabeth was dressed in a stunning navy silk dress that hung comfortably around her body, her blonde hair twirled into beautiful curls.

All in all, their appearances were quite intimidating, powerful auras radiating off of them as they confidently walked in, entrapping everyone by their charming presences.

"And ... they're all staring at us ..." Percy whispered to the three.

Cassie rolled her eyes. "Yeah, no kidding, Perce."

"Been a while hasn't it, sister?" Elias stated, turning his head towards Cassie with a grin. "Last big party was what, in the 1980's?"

Cassie nodded. "1989."

"Yeah, you guys are old," Annabeth stated, a hint of playfulness in her tone.

"But hey, we still look great for thousand year old immortals, don't we?" Elias winked with a smirk.

Percy rolled his eyes. "That's debatable."

Elias stared at him with a mock hurt expression. "Wow, that truly hurts my feelings."

Cassie turned to Annabeth, flashing her a charming smile. "Would you care to dance, Mrs. Jackson?"

"I would love to, Miss Hunter," Annabeth replied with a grin.

Percy stared at Cassie blankly. "If I didn't know any better, I think you're trying to steal my beautiful wife away from me."

Cassie smirked as she linked arms with Annabeth. "I already have, dear brother."

The two walked away to the dance floor, leaving the two brothers alone with Elias patting her younger brother's back in a manner that said tough luck. They turned their attention to the side to see Thor himself walking up to them, donned in a nice navy suit.

"Ah, Perseus, Elias," Thor greeted with a grin. "It's great to see you have made it."

Elias nodded to acknowledge his presence. "Thor."

The two brothers still had a grudge against the god of thunder for hurting Cassie a few weeks ago, but despite that remained formal and polite as they conversed, trying to set aside their past.

"How's Magnus and Alex doing?" Percy asked, genuine curiosity in his tone, having been a while since they'd last met Annabeth's cousin.

"They're doing quite well," Thor informed proudly, the two brothers nodding in approval.

Steve then came beside Thor, a warm smile plastered across his face. "I'm glad you guys managed to join us."

There was only genuine kindness in his voice and expression, something that slightly surprised Percy and Elias, especially the latter, seeing as he had painfully knocked him out from their last encounter.

"Thank you for inviting us," Percy replied with a nod.

"I apologise on behalf my team for all the ... difficulties we caused your family," Steve apologised sincerely. "I hope we can still be friends despite our past rocky relationship."

The blonde captain held his hand out to Elias for a handshake which the male Hunter accepted politely as a gesture of mutual peace between them.

"I sure hope so too, Mr, Rogers," Elias replied.

A smile formed on Steve's face again. "Well, I'll leave you two to it. Enjoy the party."

"We sure will. "Percy nodded. "And you too."

Steve then excused himself, dragging Thor along with him too, leaving the two brothers alone again. Elias turned towards Percy immediately after they were out of earshot, his face scrunching up in slight disgust.

"That man is a walking righteousness," Elias stated. "Radiates virtue everywhere. Almost makes me feel sorry for stomping on him painfully."

Percy shrugged in an agreeing manner. "Well, I mean he is Captain America, the definition of good."

He then glanced around the crowd of people. "Why don't we try to find Beckedorf and Silena? They arrived at the party before us."

"I still don't understand how he's friends with that Stark," Elias said in a disapproving manner.

"Beckendorf Corporates have been mutual partners with Stark Industries for years, Elias," Percy reminded him. "They've known each other for a while."

"Alright, whatever," Elias said. "Let's go find him. I need a drink after that."

Percy smirked. "You know alcohol doesn't affect us."

"Ugh, don't remind me," Elias grumbled slightly.

Percy only chuckled lightly in response as the two walked together, quickly disappearing into the crowd of people, music echoing loudly through the night mixed with pleasant conversations.

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