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Percy's leg was still throbbing whenever he tried to move it around, but the pain was slowly easing. He dismissed it and turned his attention to the blond man standing in front of the glass cell.

"Who are you?" Percy asked.

The blond man hesitated before replying. "I'm Steve Rogers, or Captain America. I'm a part of the Avengers, and SHIELD."

Steve gestured around him, and Percy took a few moments to study all of the people surrounding the glass box. He recognised the redhead, Romanoff, from the previous encounter, and Barton, the archer.

And there was also a sharply dressed man with a goatee and moustache that Percy recognised vaguely from brief glances of TV screens when he strolled around New York. Oh, and a dozen army guys decked out in all black gear with guns pointed at him.

No biggie.

Percy glanced back at Steve, a small grin forming on his face. "Something tells me you guys don't trust me."

A small smile formed on Steve's face. "What gave it away?"

Percy leaned his back against the wall, crossing his arms. "Just a hunch."

An awkward silence started to stretch out until Percy cleared his throat.

"So ... you guys are the Avengers?" He gestured to them and the guards.

Steve glanced around before replying. "Not the agents, they're SHIELD, but yeah, we are."

"And you're super heroes?" Percy asked, raising an eyebrow sceptically.

Steve nodded. "I guess so."

The son of Poseidon studied the four of them. "I don't see it."

A sudden burst of laughter surprised them all as they all turned their heads and saw Mr. Goatee struggling to hide his laughter and failing to do so.

"I could say the same to you," he retorted. "You don't exactly scream evil to me."

Suddenly, the door into the room slid open. "'Screaming evil or not, Stark, the fact remains that the evidence disagrees."

They all turned their heads and saw Fury walk in.

Gods, here we go again, Percy thought as he groaned internally.

"Avengers, you are excused, and half of you agents, leave us," Fury ordered.

The four shrugged and soon left, leaving Percy alone with him.

"Now, Mr. Jackson," Fury began. "I have a few questions, starting with your father."

"I have no clue about him," Percy replied impassively.

Fury raised his eyebrow. "So, you don't know where your father is?"

Percy glanced around casually. "My mom told me he was lost at sea while she was still pregnant with me."

Fury narrowed his eyes. "That's not an answer."

Percy grinned. "Sure it is, it just isn't the one you want."

He met Fury's eyes, his voice dripping with false sympathy. "Too bad it's the only one you're gonna get."

Fury took some deep breaths to calm himself down. "Moving on. Where do you go almost every summer, Mr. Jackson? You disappeared for several months at a time, and have appeared across the country a few times, and even the world, before reappearing."

If looks could kill, Percy would be six feet under. "Care to share?"

Percy glanced around, his eyes comically wide as he stage-whispered. "Think you can keep a secret?"

Fury rolled his eyes, beckoning for him to continue.

"Μαγικό στρατόπεδο όπου εκπαιδεύτηκα να πολεμάω τέρατα," Percy stated rapidly. (Magic camp where I was trained to fight monsters.)

Fury narrowed his eyes. He waited for a few moments before an agent made his way towards him and informed him that no one was able to translate the sentence Percy had just stated.

"What kind of game are you playing, Mr. Jackson?" Fury asked, anger clearly evident on his face and his tone.

Percy shrugged casually. "One that you are obviously bad at."

He then clicked his tongue in mock disapproval. "And you call yourselves spies."

Fury clenched his fists, trying his best to control his anger. While he was busy trying to do that, Percy suddenly perked up, sensing that the twins were nearby, no doubt here to break him out, calming him.

"You know, you really shouldn't have come after me," Percy stated with a smirk.

Fury raised his eyebrow. "And why is that?"

Two agents suddenly burst through the doors, one holding an ipad that revealed a camera footage of two dark-haired individuals barging through the tower with ease, and knocking all the SHIELD agents out that tried to stop them.

"Who the hell are they?" Fury asked the two.

Percy chuckled, replying instead. "They would be my dear siblings."

Fury's attention snapped back at Percy, narrowing his eyes at the demigod. "There was no information in your database about having any more siblings besides your half-sister."

Percy's grin only widened. "Well, it seems you're not all that knowing, huh, are you, Director?"

Furn turned back to the agents. "Send in the Avengers. And bring them captive too."

They nodded and sprinted off while Percy laughed.

"This is amusing to you?" Fury asked, glaring at the demigod. "The Avengers will take them down easily, and once they do, things will get even more serious, both for you and them."

Percy leaned back against the wall, crossing his arms. "You all can try, but you'll definitely fail."

Fury raised an eyebrow. "You wanna bet, Mr. Jackson?"

Percy found himself smirking. "This is going to be fun."

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