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Elias and Cassie sprinted through the ruined hallways of the barely intact mansion, mercilessly killing any demons that came their way, leaving a long trail of golden dust behind them.

Lia pursued after them while Wanda struggled to keep up with their fast pace. The walls were tattered and wrecked furniture was scattered everywhere, barely evident that a lush party was occurring just an hour ago.

The tri-blood twins burst through the doors and out into the open, halting in their tracks when they finally caught sight of Percy with Annabeth, Charles and Silena. They were hovering protectively in front of a few Avengers who could do very little to give them a hand.

The remaining monstrous creatures surrounded them, their lava-red eyes glaring at them hungrily, emitting a low dangerous growl as they slowly advanced forward, their sharp claws extended.

Percy caught sight of his siblings, sharing a knowing glance between them. Elias and Cassie understood immediately what Percy was planning to do when his hold on Riptide tightened and slammed it on the ground in front of him.

A powerful blast of vibrational waves emitting from the force of the earthquake he summoned, knocking all the monsters back the second the shockwave collided with them, leaving them vulnerable.

Elias and Cassie took this chance and advanced forward with their blades, leaving deadly gashes on all of them, and soon there were no more creatures left, only golden dust in the air and ground.

The Avengers stared at the group of demigods in awe at the sheer power they possessed, and internally grateful for not being eaten alive by the scaly hideous monsters. Lia and Wanda joined them, relieved that they were fine.

The siblings shared a grin of triumph while Annabeth, Silena and Charles sighed in relief, all their weapons disappeared from their hands. Exhaustion was evident in their eyes, yet they remained stoic, showing no signs of weakness.

"Are you guys alright?" Silena asked as they turned their attention to the mortals.

"Yes," Steve replied on behalf of the rest, a look of gratitude on his face. "Thank you."

"You all need to be careful," Annabeth warned them, her calculating grey eyes on them. "You're now clear sighted which means you all can see through the barrier that protects the mortals from the mythological world. If the monsters realise you can see them, you'll all be in danger."

"Hold on a second," Tony intercepted, his eyebrows furrowing. "Clear sighted from the mythological world?"

Mutants and aliens were one thing for the billionaire since they were based on logic and science. But Deities, magic and mythological creatures. They followed an entirely different set of rules. He still had a hard time still believing that the norse gods were real.

Before Annabeth could elaborate, Thor strode towards the demigods, slight rage taking over him with Mjolnir held in his hand as they turned to the blonde god of thunder. "What have you done? Your kind has meddled with the status quo of the mortal world!"

The demigods blinked at him with a deadpan expression.

"He did not just say that," Percy stated.

"Our kind is meddling with the status quo?" Elias repeated incredulously before chuckling coldly. "I take it that you do not know that you are the one that is tearing the Mist at the seams?"

Thor frowned. "That is a construct of Greek magic. I have no influence over what you do on Midgard."

"You have broadened the minds of the mortals, you insolent imbecile," Cassie stated harshly. "Mortals who were previously ignorant are becoming clear sighted. Their knowledge of the existence of your kind has made them realise that there are things in existence that they don't truly understand! The illusion magic is failing thanks to your consistent meddling in mortal affairs!"

The norse god of thunder was silenced as a feeling of embarrassment began to surface, but he squashed it down, refusing to give in.

"That is ridiculous!" Thor argued feebly. "Surely your magic is not that weak?"

Cassie's eyes sparked dangerously. "The fault is yours. You are brash and stupid, son of Odin."

"Be careful of the words you speak to me," Thor warned. "I've been told by the All-Father himself to demand that you fix this problem or I will have to neutralise the threat myself."

The demigods all glared at him while the avengers quietly watched their interaction, having no idea if they should step in between them or not.

"You dare threaten us?" Elias seethed.

Thor suddenly felt confident. "And what will you do about it? You don't want our kind to be your enemy too now, do you?"

The temperature around them suddenly cooled drastically and Mjolnir felt heavy in Thor's hand. The three children of Poseidon's steely gazes were on him, their eyes glowing with unpredictable power, just like the sea.

Thor had never felt this intimidated by someone's presence as much as did at this moment with the three siblings. He internally cursed his arrogance, trying to remain stoic by their deadly gazes but it was proving to be very difficult.

Annabeth, Charles and Silena had to hold onto them to refrain them from killing Thor right there and then.

"I am fighting the monumental desire to mount your severed head upon one of these walls, Odinson," Cassie stated lowly in a dangerous tone, Silena's grasp on her shoulder doing little to calm her down. "Be grateful, our kind have been allies for centuries."

"But if any harm comes to our kind, then you'd do your best to prepare for war."

With that last, chilling statement, the demigods left, the comforting scent of the sea from the children of Poseidon the only evidence that they'd been there in the first place.

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