I don't have a title, but I DO have a chapter for you! :D

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"Man, these are a lot of spells." I said, rummaging through the pages. Gandalf meowed in response. 

"This is honestly the best book ever. It holds all the spells you could ever need!" I ran my fingers through the old thin paper. 

"There's so much knowledge in here! It's insane!" Gandalf meowed in agreement. 

I sat there for another good few minutes, reading through spells and trying them out. I finally put the book down, deciding it was best to take a break. "Maybe I should go check on the newcomers. See if they've settled in well." 

I turned to Gandalf, "You be good okay? I'll be back." Gandalf stared at me and then curled up on the couch. 

I smiled, "To the Grimlands!" I flew towards the Grimlands and bumped into Fwhip in the air. 

"Oh geez!" He said. We landed on the ground. 

"Gem! I was looking for you! Before you ask, no I did not murder, blow up, or provoke someone." He said. 

I laughed, "I hope not. Why were you looking for me?" 

He started heading back towards my base, "Xornoth has just attacked the Grimlands." 

That caught my attention, "Excuse me?!" 

"I know right! I wanted to go and talk to you and Sausage about it." Fwhip said. 

I smirked, "Does my little brother need help?" 

"The newcomers need more help than me. That Tommy guy has some anger issues." Fwhip whispered to me. 

I sighed, "Well let's go get Sausage. I want to see the damage for myself."

We both flew towards Mythland, landing near the iron farm. "Sausage!" I called. 

"Gem?!" A voice asked. Sausage was standing on top of one of his towers. 

"Why are you here? Did Fwhip do something wrong again?" Sausage asked. 

Fwhip pushed him, "What no! You do more wrong things than I do." 

"Pfft. No, you're the troublemaker." Sausage argued. 

I sighed, "Follow me boys. Let's go and see what happened." 

Fwhip led the way and we quickly followed him to the newcomers base. "Oh my goodness, what is that cursed thing?" I asked, looking at the red burned up flag. 

"That's what I was talking about." Fwhip said. 

"What was it supposed to look like before?" Sausage asked. 

"It was the L'Manberg flag! It made me feel at home, but this STUPIASS demon decided to ruin it!" Someone shouted. We turned around to see Tubbo walking towards us with a furious expression. 

"I can help you rebuild it." Fwhip said. 

Tubbo brightened, "Oh really?! That would be amazing!" 

With our help, we tore down the monstrosity and helped Tubbo gather the resources for the flag. "Let me go get Tommy and Wilbur, they won't want to miss this." Tubbo said. 

"He seems like a very enthusiastic child." Sausage said.

"Reminds me a lot of you actually." I remarked. 

"THE L'MANBERG FLAG IS BEING REBUILT?!" We heard a shout. A few seconds later, Wilbur, Tommy, and Tubbo came rushing back. 

"Give me some resources, I want to help!" Tommy said. I gave him some of the blocks and they quickly got to work, singing. 

"I heard there was a special place!" Wilbur sang, the others quickly joined him. 

"Finally, Tommy's doing something that's not running around and screaming." A voice behind me said. I turned around to see Ranboo. 

"Hello there." I said. 

"Oh! You must be... Gem?" He said. 

I nodded, "That's right!" Ranboo walked over to Tubbo and helped, joining the singing. 

"My L'Manberg, my L'Manberg, my L'Manberg, My L'manberg." They sang, as they finished up. 

"This is a nice looking flag!" Fwhip said. 

"Of course it is! It's the L'Manberg flag!" Tommy said, impatiently. 

"Wooh! Looks like you guys have been busy!" Sam said, watching us. 

"Do you like it Sam?" Ranboo asked. 

Sam nodded, "Looks better than what was there." 

I sighed, "I wish I could stay longer but I have to head back to my empire. Gandalf will be wondering where I've been." It was true. I was very interested to see what they have built, but that's for another time. 

"Okay wizard Gem!" Tubbo said, waving me goodbye. 

I smiled and flew off, they seemed so happy. Yet I knew deep in my heart that trouble was brewing.

706 words! I hope you liked this chapter. Exciting stuff will be happening soon, but for now you guys will get things like this. Have a nice day! Bye!

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