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Tubbo POV

"No! That's not the right block! You're supposed to use stone brick, not cobblestone!" I said, shaking my head. Tommy and I were building a community house and he wasn't listening to me. 

"But cobblestone looks so much better!" Tommy argued. 

 "CoBbLeStoNe LoOkS sO mUcH bEtTeR!" I mimicked. 



"SORRY PHIL!" I yelled. 

"Anyways. I don't care what you say, we're using stone bricks." I said, breaking the cobblestone he placed down. He scowled but didn't argue any further. 

"This is looking great!" Dream exclaimed, walking over to us. 

"Thanks! We've been working all morning!" I said. He set down his bloody axe (He was training, not killing people, don't worry) and started cleaning it. 

"It would look a lot better if Tubbo would listen to me!" Tommy said. 

Dream laughed, "You children. Always bickering with each other." 

"Excuse me! I am 18 years old!" Tommy said, puffing out his chest proudly. 

"DREAM! Hurry up!" Punz shouted. 

"COMING!" Dream turned to us, "still a child to me!" Before we could say anything, he was heading towards Punz. 

"I hate him so much." Tommy grumbled. I placed the last piece of spruce wood and took a step back. 

"It looks amazing! I'm sure everyone will love it." I said. 

"I'm tired of building. Can we go do something fun now?" Tommy whined, "we should go and see what Wilbur's doing. He's usually doing something exciting." I sighed, but followed him around the place. 

"What the fuck..." I said. In the middle of mine and Fundy's house was a huge red tentacle. Corruption surrounded it and some parts went onto the roof of my house. 

"Damn. Who decided to build that?" Tommy said. 

"I don't know." I said. I walked closer and touched it. I immediately pulled my hand back. 

"UGH! That's disgusting!" I shouted. 


Fwhip POV

I hummed as I traded with the villagers. "Hm. Maybe I should add a wagon here." I said. I took out the materials I needed and started to build a wagon for the villagers to carry their goods around. That's when I heard a shout coming from the town the visitors built. I immediately started to worry, what had happened now?

I took out my rockets and flew over. It seemed pretty normal... until I saw it. There were red things shooting up from the ground. I was horrified. This was definitely a sign. "Fwhip?! What's going on?" Bad asked, seeing me in the air. I landed in front of him and Sam. 

"Don't you see those big red things?!" I exclaimed, pointing at one. They looked over and screamed. 

"How did I not notice that! It's huge! How long has it been there?" Sam asked. I shrugged, "Don't know. Not my first time seeing this though. Xornoth has done this before." Bad looked even more worried.

I ran over to where I heard the scream and saw Tubbo and Tommy at the foot of one of the tentacles. "Who decided to build this and leave it here?" Tubbo shouted. 

"No one built it. Xornoth put it there." I said, walking into the scene. 

"Well that guy has some serious issues. This is UGLY." Tubbo said. Tommy laughed. I was too troubled to laugh. This meant that Xornoth was on the rise. This meant that he was definitely coming for us. 

"I should talk to the others about this." I muttered, pondering over my thoughts. 

"I'm itching for a fight. This demon better show himself soon." Tommy said, starting to break down the tentacle. 

"I'll be back soon. Try not to get into trouble." I said, flying towards the direction of the other empires. 


"We all know why we're here right?" Jimmy asked. 

"Wait. Where's Sausage?" Gem asked. 

"And Joey." Pixlriffs added. 

"Maybe they couldn't make it." Katherine suggested. 

"I sent a letter to everyone. They should've gotten it. And plus, what else is more important than talking about Xornoth?" I added. 

"Or, Xornoth got them." Pearl pointed out. Her suggestion left us all with no words. That was a high possibility. Last time, Xornoth had corrupted Sausage and Joey took Xornoth's side. 

"What I want to know is why there's huge fucking tentacles ruining all of our builds." Tubbo stated. 

"My Academy has been completely covered by them. It's quite horrendous." Gem said, agreeing. The others all stated that these were showing up in their empires as well. 

"How do we stop them from growing? It seems like every time we break one, a new one appears." Karl said. 

"I'm afraid the only way is to kill Xornoth." Gem said. "Then why don't we? Let's go beat that bitch up!" Tommy demanded. 

Punz punched Tommy in the arm, "It's not that easy, or else we already would've done it. When Sapnap, Dream, Purpled, and I were exploring the jungle, we saw Xornoth. He's immortal. You can't hit him." Scott nodded. In frustration, Tommy stormed off.

"Let him be. He's always like that." Techno said, seeing our worried faces. 

"There is one way I know of that can get rid of Xornoth." Gem said, slowly. All eyes were on her, waiting to hear more. 

She continued, "There's an ancient spell that can banish someone into an object. We can do that to him." Before we could comment or say anything, we heard Tommy's shout. 

"TOMMY!" Wilbur yelled, running towards the sound. We all followed. We halted when we saw what he was shouting at. The portal... it was corrupted.

933 words! I had a sudden burst of motivation today so here's a nice present :D. Also... WTF 300 VIEWS? YOU GUYS ARE INSANE. I NEVER thought this book would've ever done that well. Geez, I'm not even good at writing. Thanks for the support! Love you all, have a good day/night! 

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