Part 4

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Sakusa is so pretty, so gorgeous that it's almost unfair.

No, it's actually unfair. How can a person look so beautiful?

His skin is pale, glowing under the bright moon outside, making it glitter in his eyes.

Atsumu smiles, the two moles above his right brow are so cute. Oh, one is slightly bigger than the other. He giggles softly as he tries to resist himself from kissing the moles. It's endearing, he thinks.

His heart clenches when the man's face—thin lips curled down, and brows furrowed immediately to show a frown to Atsumu as he wriggled just for a second. He can't help it, the two moles above the furrowing brows are calling out to Atsumu to place his lips on them.

Sakusa it's really like someone that just came out of a fairy-tale. So dreamy, and unreal.

Well, here is he now touching the dreamy man, the one and only Sakusa Kiyoomi who absolutely detest touching no matter what. It's an honour, really.

Atsumu never would have thought he could be here, in Sakusa's arm, on his lap, cuddling closely. What's more surprising?


Of course, it's Sakusa that's currently wrapping his arms around him tightly, so tight that he thinks he can't even move for him to get something to eat.

It's funny how this man has changed so much since their training camp and before the night in the car. Sakusa let Atsumu get into his personal space, and Atsumu liked it.


He never felt so fluttering and giddy with anyone before. It's all so new to him, so foreign that it's almost frightening him a little. However, Sakusa also makes him forget about those small little details, leaving him only to enjoy watching how the man's facial expression changes.

Handsome, he thinks. A very good-looking man.

Like, hm? It feels different from the normal like he has for others, like how he likes Meian as well. Does he want to be Sakusa's someone? Maybe even his lover?

His heartbeat got quicker as he thought about what happens when they are a couple in his mind, it's all so story-like, pictures of them holding hands, on his bed snuggling to each other.

Like now. They are snuggling with one another, inhaling the lavender scent, but somehow it also smells different. Anyhow, it's the scent that he's addicted to it now, his favourite odour, from Sakusa.

He raises his hand to brush the messed-up black curls on Sakusa's forehead off his frowning face and slides down to touch the two moles before tracing his fingertips on the well-formed sharp jaw. He leans down to place a peck on the area between the man's neck and jaw, unable to resist the temptation no more.

Probably, he thinks. He likes Sakusa–more than just friends, or anyone.

Sakusa's arms tighten even more around his waist, pulling the blonde close to his chest. The man inhales the lavender shampoo from the blonde hair and sighs, almost sounding like he's contented.

Atsumu smiles when the heavy eyelids open slowly, dark orbs showing and moving down to look at him. The voice that came out from the man was so deep and husky, remnants of the sleepiness still in them.

"Hey," Sakusa greets him, a sluggish smile tugged on his red lips, Atsumu can feel the heat creeping up his cheeks, painting them pink in the dim room.

"Hey, Omi-Omi," He giggles, delighting at the sight under him. "Good evening."

"Mmm..." Sakusa pulls the blonde to his chest, nuzzling into his messy blonde hair, "Do you think you can eat now? You haven't eaten the whole day, right?" He asks, mumbling in his hair.

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