Part 6

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Atsumu sighs, eyes watching the dark-haired man across the court that's drinking from his water bottle. Admiring at how just drinking from a water bottle can make a man glisten in his eyes, looking so dreamy.

Sakusa is just that beautiful. And that beautiful man is his boyfriend.

Well, he and his boyfriend may have been clinging to each other after that confession happened in his apartment that day, but he can't deny the fact that he loved every second of it.

It was so cute when Sakusa had to leave his home to clean up his own place after staying at Atsumu's for a day more. The man was frowning as he walked out the door, Atsumu giggled while waving at him and said they can meet during their training two days later.

He never knew Sakusa was like that­—adorable—until that day.

Sakusa walked back to the door and leaned down to him, placing a kiss on his lips, then trailed down to his neck, he kissed and sucked a few times on the area, making Atsumu shiver at the spot. Sakusa then said as he smiled smugly at Atsumu when he pulled up from his neck.

"There, now no more pests will be able to get near you."

Atsumu blinked a few times, his hand raised to touch the sucked marks on his skin. Then he realised what Sakusa meant. Heat creeping up his cheeks, he chuckled and smiled at the man.

"Omi, what are ya talking about? There's no one other than ya likes me this much."

But Sakusa just shrugged and smiled at him, not saying anything back.

Which is weird, Atsumu thought. Usually, Sakusa would say something cheeky to counter his words back, but he didn't, and Sakusa just left with a last peck on his cheek, then turned around to get his car to leave.

Weird, and Atsumu still doesn't know why is Sakusa acting like that.

Even though he might have been thinking about it for days after Sakusa left, he doesn't have any clues regarding it.

As he might have been staring at the man for way too long as he thought about several things in his mind, a bright and loud voice beside him caught him off-guard. He turns his head to look at the ginger-haired man.

"Atsumu-san, what are you staring at?" Hinata asks, tilting his head to one side and looking at the setter with curious hazel eyes. "You look distracted."

Hinata Shoyo—the new recent teammate that joined MSBY when he finished his training program in Brazil. After the one-week break, Hinata was introduced to the team, and MSBY was known for having four players from the "Monster Generation": Bokuto, Sakusa, Hinata, and him.

Atsumu is happy to have him in the team. Hinata and he may have fought during the volleyball nationals, and Inarizaki lost to Karasuno, but they were still on good terms—becoming friends, even when Atsumu promised him that he will set to him one day.

And now, here they are, practising for the upcoming new season that's for their first debut next month.

"Oh, I was just thinking about something." Atsumu replies, smiling at the shorter man, "But it's nothing much. So, do ya want to practice some sets now?"

"Sure! Let's go!" Hinata nods, jumping excitedly and he jogs back to the court with a big grin on his face. He turns back and waved at the setter. "Come on, Atsumu-san!"

Atsumu chuckles, he puts down his bottle on the bench and jogs to the excited man on the court, joining the rest of the players in there. He smiles at his team—at Sakusa—and they soon start a small game before the break ends.

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