Part 7

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“I haven’t told anyone about this yet,” Atsumu starts, his fingers clenching hard onto his now off-screen phone, which he needs to call back Sakusa to explain everything as soon as possible. “But I need to tell ya so that ya could understand. And I hope ya do too.”

Meian places a hand on his, a gesture to tell Atsumu to relax.

It’s alright, it’s going to be fine, he thinks.

Meian gives an encouraging smile, he says, “Try me, I’m listening.”

He takes in a small breath before he starts. Meian is looking into him with a gaze that’s so attentive, gentle and soft. He can feel his heartbeat rising as he prepares to speak out the things that are already swirling in his mind.

“Omi-kun and I are together,” he whispers, soft and quiet in the dim room.

The small hitch in Meian’s breath was noticeable, and Atsumu understands since his captain wouldn’t have thought that both of his team members would have got into a relationship together. Moreover, it’s Atsumu and Sakusa, which they used to have some misunderstandings in between. It’s surprising, even for him.

It’s quiet, so quiet that it’s almost suffocating, uncomfortable. The only thing that he can hear is the soft breathings between them. Atsumu used to like these kinds of quietness, like the ones that Sakusa gave him during the stay. However, this time, it’s a different type that Atsumu feels anxious about.

And he doesn’t like it.


It took him a split second to react Atsumu’s voice on his name. “Oh, I see.” He chuckles out a small breath, removing his hands to place them on his own lap, he repeats. “I see.”

Nervousness creeping up his body, he chews on his lip and tries his best to resist the urge to squirm on the couch or walk away from this uncomfortable atmosphere.

Meian might have caught up with it by the soft hum and a large palm on Atsumu’s slightly messy blonde locks, ruffling it gently to make Atsumu less tense on his shoulders.

“Don’t worry, I’m not upset.” Meian smiles but his eyes don’t meet Atsumu. “I’m just… surprised? No, not surprised, but I didn’t know it will be that fast.”

“W-what?” Atsumu chokes a little, not an answer that he expected from his friend, but it does make his muscles relax immediately from it. “What do ya mean by fast?

The man sighs out a long breath in return, and it sounds like something that’s like a huge load of things just removed from him right that instant.

Meian chuckles, shakes his head slightly and finally meeting his eyes. It doesn’t feel uncomfortable anymore, it’s not dark, it’s not the feeling Atsumu felt just minutes ago.

It feels like the real Meian, which is… quite different from the one he knew, yet so familiar with the way Meian looks at him with a smile that’s so gentle, with so much care in his eyes.

“What I meant was,” he pauses for a second, his smile turns into a playful smirk. “Is what I meant, actually. It’s fast, that’s all.”

Atsumu blinks a few times to intake the new Meian in his brain, processing the man infront of him being so different and yet so real. It’s refreshing, and he doesn’t have the constant urge to avoid his friend anymore.

He really does try though, “H-huh— but, Meian-san, I don’t—”

It doesn’t work, but it works also.

“In conclusion, I think I could help you with your ‘Omi-kun’, Atsumu.” Meian is full-on smirking mode now, confusing the shit out of Atsumu but it still works well enough when his friend mentioned the help he needed with. “That’s what you need with my help, right?”

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