Part 5

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Atsumu was still stirring in his sleep when a loud clank followed by a low voice said something he can't hear from the outside of his bedroom. He flinches, startled at the loud sound waking him up suddenly.

He quickly gets off the bed and walks to the door, poking out his sleepy head to see what's happening. He giggles quietly behind the door, examining the endearing sight in the kitchen.

Oh, Sakusa is cooking...maybe? What's that black thing in the pan?

And also, is Sakusa really wearing the pink apron Osamu bought for him? Hmm, he looks cute in that––even with a scowl looking face, burning holes into the pan in his hands from the intense glaring of his black eyes.

So cute, hehe.

"Hey," Sakusa greets him, a frown now fully showing to the blonde. Giggles are now loud enough for the man to hear, and the frown on Sakusa's face deepens even more. "Don't laugh at me, Atsumu."

Inhaling a few breaths, he replies cheekily. "I'm not laughing at ya," He giggles again, turning to small laughs. He can't help it, Sakusa is looking so adorable with the almost pouting face on him. He breathes out as he gasps for air behind the door. "Yer so cute, Omi."

"No, I'm not," Sakusa grumbles, brows furrowed. "Stop laughing."

He clears his throat, "Ahem, sorry." He grins bright, mischievous, like how he has shown Sakusa for the first time in his high school days, "Ya need some help from me?"

Sakusa sighs, glancing at the black substance in the pan before nodding with a full pout to Atsumu, "Yeah, please."

God, Sakusa is so fucking cute. He never knew this side of the man before, not until Sakusa showed him now. Who would have known that the prickliest person he has ever met––Sakusa Kiyoomi, is now wearing an apron with a pout on his face, looking at him and asking for his help?

Not him, not Atsumu.

But he could live with that, living with that sight being printed and hung in his mind, taking it out to savour it whenever he wants.

Atsumu nods, still grinning brightly at the man, "I'll clean myself up first, then I'll make the breakfast."

"Okay." Sakusa smiles at him, then turns back to place the pan on the sink and starts to wash the residue away.

After breakfast was made, they both ate with peaceful silence in the room. Atsumu would sometimes tease him with a smug smile tugged on his face and Sakusa would roll his eyes, but still eat it with a small smile.

Even when Sakusa took out the pills from the cabinet, handing the pills as he reminds Atsumu to take them according to his doctor's instructions. Atsumu's heart almost exploded when he saw the soft look on Sakusa, speaking in that sweet, gentle voice to him.

It was a very enjoyable breakfast. And Atsumu also loved it.

They are now sitting on the couch, side by side, holding hands with fingers intertwining into one another.

Atsumu takes the controller and turns on the TV, he starts to scroll through the list of movies.


"Hmm?" Atsumu tilts his head a little toward the man, but his eyes are still glued to the screen.

Sakusa squeezes the hold in their hands slightly, and Atsumu notices the small shaking from him. He tears his eyes off the screen and fully focuses on the dark-haired man, who's looking at him with black-obsidian eyes, several emotions swirling in them again.

"Omi? What's wrong?" Atsumu asks, concern in his voice.

"Now that we... confessed to each other last night." Sakusa squeezes his hand once more, Atsumu can see the small bop in the man's throat, swallowing. He gulps as well, nervous about what Sakusa is going to say. "Can I assume that we are already in a relationship? Like... boyfriends, couples." Sakusa pauses for a second, he adds on hesitantly, "Not... just friends, right?"

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