The tale of The aliens

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Submitted for approval of the mad9 society
I called is the tale of the aliens

Tw: murder

Elena was always bullied in school for being the old girl loud. She was more interested in science than boys she was more interested in punk rock and pop she was really not very liked in Catholic school. She was bullied all the time had very few friends. As she was hanging around her friends one time they noticed that she went missing the next second. Wondering where the hell she went they look but they knew that they couldn't find her because she didn't have any other hangouts. Her only other hang out was MySpace or Facebook at the time. So she was more or less in certain air.
We're friends starting to worry that she got stocked and stolen or kidnapped whatever by whatever jerk was on the Internet at the time and try to call the police. But it seem like time has stopped and done nothing but crawl very very slowly if at all. This was a sign that something was very wrong. At the end of lunch hour recess Elena reappeared horrified and had chills going up and down respond and was babbling about something or another. Or that's what they thought about her.
She was saying that she was autopsy by aliens as well as being abducted she didn't know how to say it she was always rambling on about it until the people starting to pick on her. Soon the people who picked on her even her friend started to disappear every time an FBI agent came around. It said that her friends or bullies became human experimentation for the FBI because of her alien abduction. She kept herself quiet for the longest time fearing that she would be the next guinea pig. She knew they were out there and she knew she was going to be in deep trouble with the feds for being abducted in the first place would she be next to be experimented on.
She want to find the bullies and herformer friends and she ended up going to the FBI headquarters in Washington DC the J Edgar Hoover building and ended up finding our friend strapped to autopsy tables being cut open and dissected. She ran in there bypass the metal detectors and attacked the medical examiner who is attacking her friends and then she was dead she was found dead of mystery circumstances.
It is shared that one they found her they were finding that she had a Y incision in her chest and abdomen indicating that she was an autopsy to live. She got a horrible death just to protect the ones she knew from evil forces they were supposed to protect.

The end

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