Chapter 24: Inner Thoughts

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Fire. Burns. Heat. Pain.

That is what awakes Azula in the middle of the night. It was the same as always. She had disappointed her father and he had hurt her. Kicks. Punches. Burns. That is what makes up her child hood.

She remembers the first time she became his punching bag. She was five and she had missed a step and fell over. A slap was followed. She thought that was normal. Zuko and her were often covered in bruises. It was just their way of life. You failed you got hurt. You disappointed him and you got burned.

Fire was not life. It was pain not beauty. That was life with Fire Lord Ozai.

Through everything though, Azula looked up to her father. She loved him and thought the pain was just his way of teaching her right from wrong. She belived she deserved it. Then Sying came along and changed everything.

Sying didn't get hit if she messed up. Her father didn't belittle her every move. The Chief never laid a hand on the little girls. And her the Snow Princess and her friends were never taken to her fathers room to play undress.

Sying was strange to the young Princess. How can some be so kind and honest? The Lightning Princess did not know. Maybe it was because he was a monster like her father always said. Maybe she was just so fucking tired of being beaten down.

Sick of everyone leaving her. Her brother. Her sister. Her friends. Her mother.

Her mother was a beautiful lady that always liked Zuko over her. Maybe that's why her father favored her. Maybe that's why she got all the beatings because her mother didn't care enough to stop them.

She looks in the mirror at her scars. Everyone made by her father and herself. The cuts run all down her side and wrists. She was weak. So she would pick up the blade and remind herself how tough she really is. And as the blood runs down her skin she smiles knowing she caused the pain. She's in control this time. Not her brother. Not her uncle and not her mother. And sure as hell not her father.

So she forms a plan. A plan to end it all. All her suffering. All of Tylee's suffering. All of the worlds suffering. She decides to end it all. All of it. Every single drop of blood to drain it all.

Every. Single. Drop. Of. Blood. Will. Belong. To. Her.

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